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Problem with my vr6 engine, oil and water are mixed.

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It all started after having my car's engine rebuild and after 10.000 km.I was driving my vr6 and on the national road at about 120km/h when i checked the water temperature and the gauge was stuck in 90 celsious which is not normal when driving night with 120km/h in the open road.I stopped the car 10 minutes later when i reached home.I checked the water two hours later as the red light was blinking like there was no water in the bottle and needed refill.When i opened the water bottle i saw that the water was mixed with engine oil.I changed the oil cooler the next day as i thought tha this was the problem,cleaned all the water hoses,radiator etc and started the engine again.30 minutes later the water bottle was full of mixed oil and water again.

After that i knew there was something bad going on with my car's engine.I bought another engine block and bored it to 2.9 because we thought it was cracked as there was a small crack in the bottom of one cylinder.I bought new pistons,rings etc and had it rebuild again.Now 18000km after the rebuild the engine mixed the oil with the water again last week.

Is there anybody who had the same problem with me?Idon't know what to do i'm starting getting desperate.

Sorry for the big post but i wanted to expail what has happened.

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