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Diesel in a VR6......surely NOT ?

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hello boys and girls,

hope you all seated for this one....

I have been working for 15 days solid now and yesterday the wife asked if she could help, so I jumped at the opportunity and invited her to the office. I was in the company car and she was driving the VR6....she notices the fuel is low and decides to fill up for me.

Problem is the fuel nozzle on the pump is too big for the car's fuel tank inlet so instead of checking to see why or asking for assistance, she thinks she'll just hold the inner flap open and slowly pour the fuel in.....this proves to much and she leaves with only £3.50 in the car and drives to me, 3 miles to the office.

Upon telling me the story and informing me how upset she is about getting fuel on her hands, she asks why I'm bent over in the corner crying....anyway, to cut a long story short....after hours of tears, mainly mine....it's clear to see WE HAVE A SITUATION HERE.

Now, I've spoken to a VW specialist and been in touch with an uncle how competes in classics and they both agree....drain the fuel, new filter and fill up with unleaded....do we concur?

If so, would now be the time to fit a performace filter and if so, what should we be looking at.....any ideas and I mean any are welcome. (although divorce was an option I think, we can scrap the idea now though)


Much love...


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Yup. Bin there! (Not a VR6)

Only thing to add I changed my fuel filter again in 3 months for my own piece of mind, Don't think it is required but I felt better.

Also ask for somthing you want :-p *-) :o. Do u have a Stage 3 turbo or supercharger/3rd or 4th car as a project???? Seen an R32 you fancy???

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Cheers peeps....sorry to say but nice to know others have been there too. As soon as the missus is back at graft, she'll be helping fund my race car.....got an 89 Mk2 GTi 16V I'm stripping and prepping for the Dunlop Track & Race Super Saloons next season and it needs some parts, hope her cheque book is ready. (h)

Anyway, you all been great and I appreciate the help, not sure what you were 'eating' (smoking) there Eat This....but as it may have been late we'll let you off. ;)

Anyone know where I can get some good privacy glass done to the VR6, what a nice decent tint all round.....preferably in the N. London or Hertfordshire area?



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