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I bought mine 4 weeks b4 i was 21, couldnt insure it for them four weeks though :-( didnt have eny no claims,LC20 for drivin with no licence,IN10 for no insurance & 6 points!

Insured it on my 21st birthday full comp for the grand total of £1228 not bad considering ;)

I must say before you all get the impression of me being a C**T i really aint, i was a silly boy at 18 but now im always legal when it comes to cars 8-| had to add this as i know some poeple would think bad of me if they read the above, i know i would :)

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did my insurance 2 day and i payed 1280 fully comp with year no claims

you pay 4X as much as me for insurance!Gutted for ya!!

Luke, I think most of us been there and had a few points too! 13pts 2 X IN10, plus a Roll, all long gone now! I hate to say it, but 17 is too young to be driving! I got my Licence at 17 and I had no regard for any driving Laws. I remember buying a Metro at the Auction for £100 and off I went! No tax no Insurance! I done it for months, its all far too easy, and once you done it once its even easier, because you know what to avoid, so its easy to slip into being a lifetime criminal driver.

I got mine Licence back and I need it for work now, so now I am out there checking for dodgy bulbs every morning! Still knowing how easy it is to get away with breaking driving laws, it now annoys me that the Government is only interested in catching Speeding drivers, when there are more important things to do! Like sorting out the driving habits of the over 60`s who lets face it are terrible drivers and a hazard! So what if I am doing over 100mph?! If the rest of the road users are on the ball and stay the F*** out of the way there won`t be a problem! its F***wits that are doing 50 on a Dualy and getting in the way of HGV`s that are the danger. Lets face it at 100+ you gonna be paying attention to the road and not your Phone!

Rant over, I had a bad week with dozey drivers!

Anyway 25, got my VR at 24.

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