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Wonder if anyone can help....

Recently I have got a really misty front screen.

Only noticed it since I put on my Samco hoses. :-(

Opening the windows do not clear it. Blower on full hot or cold does not clear it.

I have to physically wipe it everytime I drive the car and at regular intervals whilst driving....

Screen is cleaned inside and out with maguires screen clean so it's not a dirty screen.

Could I have put a hose on the heater wrong ?

I have a slight leak on my Secondary water pump but I doubt that it the problem....

Seems there is some humidity or something in the system ?

Any ideas ? Thanks :-)


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Are you loosing coolant, Mark? Any damp carpets?

My solution for ( adnittadly for less misting than you describe ) is to turn on the heaters full until the windows are clear and the air in the car saturated and go for a blast with the windows wide open so the wet air blows away. And repeat as required.

Otherwise as soon as the air cools the car mists again.

Doesn't work if it's raining outside ;-)


P.S. One last thought: When I took my scuttle panel/rain guard off over the weekend there was a load of soggy leaves sat around the cabin air intake.

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Hello mate.

Not sure about this one but I had something similar happen to me on the way down to No Rice a couple of months back. Scared the life out of me cos it steamed up whilst the rain was persisting down and i was in the outside lane of the A3. :o My A/C isn't working very well so it took ages to clear.

How long ago did you put the hoses on?

Are you loosing water quickly and is your heater blowing hot? If you had put a pipe on wrong I don't think it would work properly. Check your footwell carpets for damp. Mist on the inside can sometimes be a sign of a faulty/leaking heater matrix or a leak which is causing the mist when the inside of the car warms up. The windscreens are bonded in on Golfs. A possible source of a leak if the bonding has aged.

If yo haven't already, use your A/C on hot to clear the screen and prevent any unfortunate situations ;) It should start to clear almost instantly. Then switch to non A/C hot air and see what happens.


P.S. As above, check for leaves under the scuttle panel. Nobody had replied to the original post when I started typing this.

*Note to self*

"Must learn to multi-task"

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It could be that you have a leak in your sun roof seal or windows somewhere. You may of course have a leak in your hosing that you recently replaced allowing more external cold air in. If its cold outside (which has been recently) the windscreen will steam up a lot more and if you have a slight leak the cold air coming inside will make your windscreen steam up more. Opening windows won't work for this same reason - it'll probably slow down the clearing process.

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I have the same problem. Only started this year. Using th AC on hot or cold clears it up very quickly. I changed the pollen filter, and like someone said aboe there was loads of gunk and leaves in there, but didnt fix the problem.

I thought it may be something to do with the AC not being able to drain the water it collects. I had a look in my Bently manual which shows the location of the AC drain on the bulk head, but couldn't find it on my car. Anyone know where the drain may be? I want to check if its blocked or not.

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I am losing coolant but then I have been for a long time now.

Even before I put the hoses on. There has always been a leak from my secondary water pump which is due to be replaced soon but I have not seen it steaming up like it has been.

Even with no rain it steams to the point you can't really see.

AirCon clears it I think but not as quickly as it used to. I have not tried it on hot, only cold. I will try that tomorrow to see what happens.

Trouble is though when I turn the AirCon off it steams up again within minutes....I don't really want to keep the AirCon on permanently..... Does anyone do this ?

I have not noticed any damp carpets in the car but then I have not really checked thouroughly. Will check this also tomorrow morning.

Hot air blows red hot as it always has done and Temps are always spot on, never to hot or cold.....

I doubt I would have put any hoses on wrong as they can pretty much only go in one place due to there shapes....

My whole scuttle panel will be removed next week anyway when it's getting smoothed and painted so I will check for crap inside then......

Thanks for the ideas so far. Updates tomorrow :-)


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Well the inside of the car is not damp. Carpets etc... are dry.

Did not mist up as much tonight on the way home but the wether has not been the type I would have expected it to mist up......

Still it was slightly misty though but only at the very bottom of the screen....


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Have the same problem on our car had it for ages,all windows steam up except the back one.

We just put the heaters on full blast with the vents pointing at the windows (of course) or open the windows,always clears it.

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The weather will be partly to blame, if you get in the car in the morning and run your finger across your screen, it will be covered in condensation, when ya apply warm air to it, it just mists up....

ever wondered why ya window mists up when you breath on it? same thing....

just stick ya blowers up so it's primarily hitting the windows, once the windows are dry, no more mist!

just my thoughts cuz it happens to me every morning when it's cold....

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keeping your aircon on isnt gonna do any harm, if mine worked it would be on full pelt everywhere hot or cold! same as the heated seats mmmm toasty, anyway as pete says its just the indiference in outside temp that forms condensation on the inside of you car by the sound of it, mine hardly ever does it as its always garaged but it is like it when i have left it at work all night in the open but clears after the heaters are on 3 up the screen within 2 minutes of starting up

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