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Nurburgring 2007

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rah :)

I think this could be the 2nd most popular thread ever in the clubs history now.

If we go again and the thread continues and beats the Schrick thread do I get a trophy at Billing?

What do you mean IF we go again....more like WHEN we go again!!!!!!!!! :-p

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Yeah' date=' really had an excellent time this trip

I felt like the unofficial ring taxi, and i hope all my paasengers enjoyed the experience as much as i did.

Pete, hope you get it all sorted mate and you're back on the road asap.

Nige, thanks for lending me your cg-lock, knocked 2 minutes off my lap by my calculations ;)

Mark & Donna, don't worry about the house, put the dosh towards mods for the car and the next trip.

p.s. anyone got any tent poles spare ;):)


I certainly enjoyed my lap. Shame about the tent poles, eh?



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Good job I've found mine then. Safe in the ash tray. Safe as I'm a none smoker but easily forgotten about.

So I'm back on for the Last On Ferry Festival.


P.s. Who spotted the thinly disguised attempt to boost this thread as the Work Assoc one was catching up again?

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well the total cost for squirt alone came to a minute £243 :@ :o :S

I filled my tank twice on the way, and twice on the way back. Biggest cost was 44 Euro to fill up. Total cost of no more than about £130, I guess. I did 3 laps, came from Bristol, and went on to Austria. Not bad eh! BTW, have you seen the comment some kiddie put on the video of you overtaking the fire-spitting Cossie. Allegedly, the VW Golf is a girly car, and the VR6 is a gay car. Get on with it you lesbian!



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