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I had a 96 Vr which had a standard alarm with full closure fitted and VW fobs, have now bought a 97 Vr without any fobs. Is there a way of checking whether the alarm is still present and I need some new fobs or whether the alarm has been removed for any reason and then I'm left with my hand in the pocket to fork out for a new one?????

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they are labelled VW but they are actually made by a company called scorpian, the only problem now is they closed down a few years ago, the other problem is it is difficult to recode the alarm fobs and we used to remove the alarm unit and fob and send them both away to scorpian to be recoded but as they dont exist anymore its impossible too now, we now just remove the old alarm and leave it to the customer to get a new one fitted

if you dont have alarm fobs then have a look under the bonnet and see if there is a alarm siren fitted somewhere, if not the there probably isnt any alarm fitted

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