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Im confused...your views please

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Since i crashed my vr ive been thinking i cant wait to get another one but another part of me keeps looking at mk4 1.8t's

I love the sound,performance etc that the vr gives but i cant help thinking if i get a 1.8t its gonna be newer,have a better fuel return off boost,much less money to tune too! A £400 revo gives you over 200bhp in an instant! :o

But then on the other hand theirs somethink to be said about a car that sounds like a vr,love that drilling sound you get on a ramair filter ringing the vr out to 140mph

Enyway its time to stop dreaming bout what i used to do in my baby & ask you guys whats your thoughts about it,please be honest peps i need a direction. I know its down to me in the end what i decide to do but i do value everyones opinions,even steve(mk3anni) LOL ;) only joking mate!

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well i know we wanna be faithfull to the vr,so il be honest

i have considered this a few times,but the thing is with the mk3's and mk 4's we have through my dealership the amount of things that go wrong with the mk4's scares me!

i mean we have clutches that go after 50k,anti roll bar bushes that last a year,wheels brg's lasting 10k,where my vr is on 116k and the only things that have ever been replaced on mine is the temp sensor housing and a rear wheel brg lol,she even still on her 1st clutch,iv never seen a mk4 do that.........

in my opinion i think its to do with the quality of the parts,all the stuff on my car has germany printed on it,everythin for the mk4 and 5's have been manufactured in countrys that i cant prenounce and that i never new existed lol

so i think u can catch my view ;)

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I had an acceleration test from 20mph to 80mph on an airfield (it was!) against a remapped Leon Cupra (to 220hp) in my bog std vr6 and there was s0d all in it upto about 70 when he started to pull away. Not given the fact that the Golf cost 2k and the Cupra 10k+

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Cost ,reliability,sound,thrill factor,V6,can`t go wrong.I have also been toying with the idea of getting something else,Don`t do it mate !! Sound and progressive power you just cannnot beat.I`m with the vr untill the wheels fall off.

I have never loved a car quite like this . You know it`s the right choice.



You get anything else and we will just laugh at you.

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get another VR and do all the mods to it that you like or see on other peoples that you like, make it exactly what you want, rims suspension interior, get quality items and you will not go wrong, we all know the Mk3 is the last "properly" built "German" VW with the vr having the best engine, how could you live without a vw in your life??????????????????????????????????????

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All you need to do, Luke, is go back and read all your old post's since you joined here and see how much pleasure and enjoyment it's given ya!

The other thing is as time goes by, there are more and more VR's going to 'dub heaven (a) so it will gradually turn into a real classic. Whereas there are loadsa mk4's everywhere you go. I think the main point of the dilemma is......can you live without the sound? ;)

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Yea your right boys,went & looked at one 2day on tt comps,coilovers etc really nice even though it was a high mile one,shame the chap had rolled his back arches with what i could only discribe as a fu*king sledge hammer :o

8-) why ???

Oh well the serch goes on & i aint a mega rush for one :)

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i was in a simlar sitiuation after my last vr6 dying i had about 5-6k which is enough for a mk4 turbo but looking thru adverts there was no colours i liked lol, they were all black! few silver ,still meh boring. plus 150bhp is a step down and had heard about teh reliabilty isues.

plus id always wanted a purple highline and saw one one here 140miles away! went up 2 weeks later and fetched it :D

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did it reflect the price? its not hard to sort by a decent body shop' date=' i can recommend a superb one in kent, not too far really, Sarrrrfend is only an hour away, or about a mile from kent accross the estuary!


Dont really wanna buy a problem if you what i mean :S be nice to get one that all i got to do is modify not bloody repair it :-d LOL

Defo getting another one,some bloke blasts a 3dr dragon green around a few roads away from my g/friends house every time i see it i wanna cry |-) hehe ;)

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keep it. i was thinking about a mk4 or a corrado but this is the second mk3 golf i've had and i do think the build quality is legendary. i was worried about the running cost i.e. fuel consumption a little but, well, i gave up smoking, so that should sort that one! i am going to keep bugs for sure, 121k on the clock, still going and still giving me a smile on my face :-)

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I had the same dilemma before I bought my VR. I had up to about 12k to spend (theoretically) but it came down to choosing between a mk4 turbo or 4motion and a mk3 VR (I wanted a highline in this case).

I drove quite a few, but found the mk4's too heavy feeling and bulky, although I still prefer the looks of the mk4 very slightly.

I read a lot or reports on build quality and the mk3 is apparently THE most reliable VW model ever built, so that's what I got. Saved a few £'s too, which came in handy when buying the next house... :)

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