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Crashed Car***Now with Pics ! !***

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Coming home from work today I stopped in traffic at a big roundabout, the car behind slowed down, the man in a van behing that did not!!

He hit her(In her Golf GTi) She hit me in my (Golf GTI) :-(

Saw it coming the only thing I could do was take my foot off the break and pray (a)

everything went flying, my aashtray full of coins flew around the car along with my bottle of water that was in my door!! Glad I always wear a seatbelt!!

Now have Buckled rear quater, bashed up rear panel and bumper and my boot won't open, Went to A&E I've got whiplash and the rest of the week off work.

It was the icing on a very bad day at work :-(


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Even if they do write the car off we will probably buy it back as we can repair it easily enough.....

Only reason we think they might write it off as the cost involved to cut and replace the rear quarter as the car is probably only worth 2k or maybe even less......

Luckily she was not in the VR, I think I would have cried some proper Man tears then !

Will post some pics of the car 2morrow when it is lighter......



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Only reason we think they might write it off as the cost involved to cut and replace the rear quarter as the car is probably only worth 2k or maybe even less......

It's shocking how they put a price on someone's pride and joy.

I strongly believe that someone elses insurance company shouldn't be allowed to write your car off. They should have to cough up to have it repaired no matter the cost versus value. After all why should you lose out due to someone else being a fuk wit.

He wasn't on his mobile was he?


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  • 2 weeks later...

A few pic's of my damaged car :-(

One good thing came out of it... Killed the Chav lights ;-)





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