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Lambo in a tunnel

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I don't think thats a flammer kit, I had to deliver a countach from suffolk to redhill year before last. Only trouble was it was raining most of the way there. Felt like anything over 80 and the car would have turned it self round on the spot. I can certainly say the one I had popped and banged on the over run and it was a geniune lp400

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It is a flamer kit' date=' says on the title and its quite local to me, it goes round the local 'cruises'

My mates dad has got a genuine one in black, it pops on over run but not like that! Definately no flames


fair enough, can't say I could see the exhaust whilst trying to make sure it arrived in one piece!

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Yeah a pain to drive eh cos they dont really fit through width restrictions too well - your life probably wouldnt have been worth living if you had damaged that ha ha! My mates dad paid £120 for a dizzy cap - probably why he never drives it but f*ck paying £700 for a wing mirror tho!

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Yeah a pain to drive eh cos they dont really fit through width restrictions too well - your life probably wouldnt have been worth living if you had damaged that ha ha! My mates dad paid £120 for a dizzy cap - probably why he never drives it but f*ck paying £700 for a wing mirror tho!

MMMmmmm yep, well I damaged a 360 challenge car last year, it had one of those flappy paddle 'box things, I stacked the spare set of wheels and tyres behind it and went to put it in the warehouse, well tried to - got reverse instead of 1st and cracked the rear bumper, because its all one piece with a venturi section underneath it, it was £3500 for a new one plus paint, plus fitting. I was not popular that week. bloody italian cars

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