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Can you be done for speeding by a van marked with "Camera Partnership"?

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As above, can you be done for speeding by a van marked with "Camera Partnership"? My gf was driving about 35 in a 30 and in the distance we saw an orange van and a guy in front of it with a tripod and a small mobile camera looking device on it. There was also the usual camera symbol on the van, and on the side of the van it said "Camera Partnership", not "Police". My question is how do you know if they are checking tax discs or checking speed? My gf's a bit worried - they always catch the safer slower drivers!

Thanks for any help.


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I thought now they don't need to pull you over - they just send a letter through the post?

Cheers for your help. I just found out from the sussex speed camera website that it was a speed camera. Oh well its done now. Just not sure if she was doing over 35 or not when the camera will have caught her. I know they have quite a long range. All of the speed camera detectors on the market will pick up mobile cameras but only after it is too late as the mobile camera range is so large.

Someone told me spraying a certain hair spray partially on one of the letters or numbers on your number plates blocks the mobile camera reading that digit but its still visible to the naked eye. Surely this can't be true and must be against the law even if only sprayed on one digit?

Does anyone know how long it takes for the letter to arrive in the post?

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If it doesn't arrive in 14days, she's in the clear.

For APNR, they will always pull you over. If they car isn't taxed, insured etc where are they going to send a letter to?

If it's not 100% legit, they can, and will, take it off you there and then. I saw a 'Police Stop Action' program last year where a copper was after taking a girls motor because the APNR said it wasn't insured. The tearful girl, who insisted it was insured to no avail, had to get her sister to drive down with her certificate.


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yeah 14 days for the NIP if its coming? speed cameras are operated by the joint partnerships of council/police/highways agency, if it wasnt that far over the top you might not get a ticket? if it was an ANPR "team" and uninsured etc then you would of got pulled and then further checks are carried out.

If you dont stop :o then thats when you get chased (in Kent anyway) by a proper police marked blue lighted stickers and all Evo 8 or 9 or a Subaru Impreza!!! and a Helicopter as these are the chosen "intercept cars" Very good fun! as TG says, sometimes PNC isnt showing your insured? it the INSURANCE COMPANYS at fault for NOT UPDATING PNC with your details!! some lazy office oik not doing the job they get paid for! thats why mistakes happen as thats all a copper at the roadside has to go by unless you have the certificate with you, if your car does get lifted then its £105 towing fee and £12 a day storage for a maximum of 14 days, if you dont produce proof of valid insurance and pay the relevant fees within that time then they can "dispose" of your car how they see fit :-| and that dont mean it gets crushed! they sell them on aswell at auctions etc to recover the fees, and before you ask the police are not allowed first dibs on anything decent! ;) I wish

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dunno, they happen quite often though, they auction off recovered and seized items of value every month or so, i know someone who got a Volvo Cannondale MTB for £180 from one it was a 1k bike when brand new! i dont ever go, i hate our property store! crap everywhere, i only ever go in there to book stuff in, i hate seizing stuff off people, its all very mundane!

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When I got stopped for no insurance (long story but basically the insurance company had ballsed up the registration), I was allowed to drive off fine. Weird thing was that when I was sat in the back of the police car they couldnt confirm that I even had a driving license! All happened at the time that I changed addresses so my license had been sent off to the DVLA for the change of address. Just very unlucky, but surprised I was allowed to drive off but maybe that had something to do with the car being owned by somebody else but me?

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