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clever yanks

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I have been over the pond quite a few times and as always any individual can be and is an exception to a rule. But you do have to wonder sometimes... I must admit we have our own share of special cases... Not always beer induced ;)

If you get the chance look at an American Map of the world and compare it to one from anywhere in Europe. Interesting how USA is in the middle and twice the size of other places in the world..Compared to a European one where the GMT line is centred and all countries are correctly scaled!

Not me I hasten to add but someone quite famous once said, and I para-phrase:

In a country of x billion people; you can't have them thinking for themselves. Imagine all that independant thought with direction.....

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x billion? (ok get ready to yorn....)

theres 278million ppl in the usa no where near a billion

1.2 billion in china' date=' 1 billion in india...



i thought there were around 650 million ppl in yanky land?

nope its 300k now http://www.geohive.com/default1.aspx it doesnt have a very high population density

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