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Speaking of charlotte church...... who's your dream Girl/Lad???

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ur prob guna think Im a freak but hey ho! matt Willis' date=' Russell Brand and Vin Diesel


God check out them arms! Yummy Vin Diesel now theres a bloke who i'd like to have breakfast in bed with :-p

Also Russel Crowe but he'd have to dress in his Gladiator costum lol



George Clooney - My god is this man hot!


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Isn't Vin Diesel gay? And Russel Brand has to be too! Sorry girls!

Someone else I know said that Vin was diggin' the brown....

Is it true ?

His action films don't quite seem the same knowing he may have at some point been chowing c*ck...... :-(


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;) the best one liner from the buisness is when he knocks the door and the bloke with curly hair says "Anyone order a c*nt? coz ones turned up!" i was in fits!!

Probably my favorite line of the film !

Nearly died laughing ! Had to skip back several times just to hear it again and again !


Gonna hook out the DVD again ;-)


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