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it an absolute offence! no excuse will be accepted, you cant display a plate like that on a vehicle registered after 1973 M reg!!! id rather get the metal plates from dubmeister in the right colours for uk as they do "english" font letters and numbers now, i got some for my cabrio and they look awesome, and they are legal and only cost £30 money better spent than giving it to Blair and his cronies!!!


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police tend to target clearly un-looked after and sheds of cars tbh, they generally leave nice well kept cars alone as those arent the ones commiting offences like no insurance etc, or maybe your just lucky? traffic police would be more interested in you with them plates than a local panda car but as long as you know its a £30 fine then you takes your choice, technicly you could get a summons as you commit 2 seperate offences, one for the front one for the rear, but most would warn you for one offence and non endorsable £30 for the other, you might also get a Vehicle defect form so you would have to change the plates and get the car to an MOT station to verify its been done and send the stamped ticket back to the police, its not worth it imo as they dont really suit the more modern cars anyway :o

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