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Methanol....& .......Water v posh water --- questions

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A few questions for my ongoing purchases

Any one reccommend a good place to buy Methanol for my Water Injection kit??

De-ironised/filtered water vs tap water

Does the 50% mix give me less issues with using boiled or tap water as opposed to using the old de-ironised stuff? Concerned about blocking the old injectors of course in time!

Any comments are welcome.


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A railway model shop :) That or good quality anti-freeze has ethanol in it :)

Methanol is different to ethanol and it's the former you need. Only Holts screen wash seems to still be methanol based. Some legislation came in about methanol in screen wash a while ago and since then a lot of brands have stop using it.

Yes use de"ion"ised water (you can try and de "iron" water if you like, LOL!) and not tap water or the resultant scale and lime deposits will eventually clog the jet, but if you've got the DDS3 gauge, you'll know instantly when the water isn't getting through.

50% mix? Far too much methanol. 20 - 25% is all you need.

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Iron..that's the house wife in me LOL ;) (in a manley voice)

good news on the mixture thanks.

As I am using a separate water tank. where can I get just the methonal? bulk buy price N all that?

Found the water in a beauty shop for £2 for 5 litres. Don't ask! Just need the mixer now ;)

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