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Technical help & support please... Altanator - Rather Urgent ** UPdated**

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So the other day having just fitted the charger and done 50 miles my alternator packs up and the car ends up sat by the road. :(

Get a new alt. (VAG) and fitted it last night - with a little help from my friends! (Thanks Pat,Alex,Tim-mayyyy) Just about home and all goes dark and stops!

Quite a shock!

Call the AA out & the conversation went something like this....

AA: Alt is shagged

RCF: No way m8 brand new VAG fitted 23.5 miles ago

AA: Dont care m8 it's shagged

RCF: Dude No way....

AA: Dude.. Way..

AA: the regulator is shagged and not allowing for the extra needed when lights etc on.

RCF: Sniffle....Sigh.... Can I have a lift home please

AA: No bother Pal!

So before I go and shout at the stealer for my shagged £230 exchange origional part + Fitting I thought I'd ask a couple of dumb questions.... I also really don't want to have to take the charger and car front off again to change it!

So Q's

Is there a seperate regulator any where I don't know about?

Could my dead battery be causing the extra drain?

If I get the larger Air con unit as I am non-aircon do I need to modify my Charger fitting and change the belt???

If you guys could help please as I need to try and resolve before the weekend so I can put my miles on and still make the remap for the 29th...


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got a vortech v2 sc on mine.here goes...have you got a 6 ribbed belt on?all pulleys are 7 ribbed.if 6 ribbed prob not enough wrap around/contact on your alternator to put charge back into battery or belt too slack.should be tight tension on belt-barely twist belt left to right at longest point?got a voltmeter in car?-should read 12-14 v all the time.7 ribbed belt from euro parts should solve problem-more wrap around on all pulleys-so not robbing you of boost and enough contact on alt pulley for charging.

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I cant remember the belt rib number Will try and look later. Tension is on the money like you say no movement! No in car meter but used a multimeter and it showed 12 to start and climbed to 13. Switch lights and heater on and you watch it drop steadily... Belt not touching anywhere I so contact seems ok for me!

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I cant believe it and after buggering my thumb lol

mate sorry haven’t called, forgot to charge the phone last night so got to wait until I get home to drop you a line

I feel for you mate I can’t believe it’s given up straight away. Only thing that comes to mind if the battery so fecked that’s its soaking up all the alternators charge and killing the regulator :( because of the dried acid we found on the battery tray

Anyhow when I get home ill drop you a call :) chin up chap

p.s as the alternator need to have the pulley changed doesn’t matter if you have a 6 or 7 pulley as you’ll used ur original one.

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no probs on calling and I hope the thumb is improving. Sitting comfy and sucking your thumb makes it feel better ;)

I got a new battery block on its way but I gotta wait 'til Friday for that. As its FOC I can't push it any quicker! In at VW tomorrow to try and get a new part out of them! Wish me luck :-p

Chat later

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mine died on me the other night the day before i was goin santa pod i ended up doin it at the side of the road!! charger doesnt draw any current mate

if the alt has 6 ribs the 7rib belt wont fit thats the alt i had with me i didnt realise till id done it grrrrr rang my mate (killokilla) who brought me another 1

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so been to VW and the Alternator was officially sh*gged! Giving out 30amps! Not the 90Amps we were expecting! So kinda Yay... Just now got to fit it again... Not so Yay!

The mechanic was quite good actually and suggested that the pulley on my alt looked different to how he remmbered the standard ones and showed me a new one off a Passat. And there was a difference! New one was a lot smaller. It could be an effect even though it was working before we put the charger on - smaller diameter easier turn when on charger as belt contact not too high! (not like traditioanl with half the pulley wrapped by the belt!)

So question....

Any one have a picture or even better know the true size and spec of the Alternator pulley on a 97 OBD2 AAA lump 90 amp Alternator


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