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water escaping from engine

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As above,

Stood looking at the engine and water seems to be escaping from the left side of my engine (pulley ish area). I can not physically see it! I can see underneath where it drips/pours out. Because of the charger I cant tell if there is/are any noises to confirm suspissions!

The water pump is an obvious one what else could it be before I have to start major access?


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Mine did the same, but it wasn't the water pump! [unfortunately had mine replaced to find this out].

My post will tell you all i know, just dunno how to do the link to it??? It was titled "main water pump replacement?" or something like that??? *-)

hope this helps...

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well i put 1.5ltr of antifreeze in and topped up with a the in water then just addedd a mix of both as the level drpooed, dont for get to put the heaters on adn allow it to warm up all round and then when u drive it the level will porb drop a bit more so keep a spare in the car for a few days ... good luck

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