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I ordered a seat from GS Motorsport 3 weeks ago, I was promised it before my trip to the ring and for the last 3 days I havent been able to get trough to GS. Monday the phone was off the hook all day, yesterday the answerphone was on all day & the same today so far - I've left a few messages and I've not heard anything...

Ive been chasing it every couple of days since I ordered it & I've been told its been pushed up the production line at Cobra so that it would definately be with me before this weekend & on Friday I was told I would be given a tracking number for the courier as the seat was going to be sent out on Monday - called Cobra yesterday to find out where it is as I couldnt get through to GS and they couldnt give me any info on it so I've paid for a seat that I dont need now even if it does turn up before I go as we dont have the time to fit it. The service that some companies provide is terrible, i dont know how they stay in business!

Steer clear of them as they seem like a 1 man band with extra bad customer service - do you know any other companies that leave the phone off the hook all day?!

Heres their website - looks nice & pro but really their just a middle man mail order company, best off going direct or somewhere else that you know & trust www.gsmotorsport.com

Under this they have seats4u.com & brakes4u.com etc

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Thanks for the heads up..

I'm always very cautious when purchasing items from companies I've not done business before.

I feel your pain though mate, but smells of BS when they say that they have been pushed up the production line at Cobra... how have they got the power to do that? surely they are not the only supplier ordering items from them.


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Exactly - my mate did get a seat from them and it arrived pretty quick so I thought I'd use them aswell but this has happened - god knows when it'll turn up now, still not heard from em so I guess their just ignoring the phone until its sent out or has arrived - cowboys

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If you multimap the adress and look at the aerial photo it's 100% residential. Have you tried using a different phone. It must be very bad business to ignore the phone just to avoid one customer. Me thinks another 'ULTIMATETUNE' is about to kick off.

Did you pay by credit card Mark?


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Yep paid by credit card - but as my mate had ordred 2 seats and they came in a couple of days I didnt think their would be too much of a problem, I will be able to get the money back from my CC company as I paid online etc - just a shame that theres becoming so many traders in the Uk just waiting to rip people off.

Just sent this to owner:

Hi Gareth - Mark Hall here re: Cobra Imola seat. Could you call me please to let me know whats happening with this? I've been trying for 3 days to get hold of you buy telephone & I've left 2 messages and still not heard from you - I take it I wont be getting the seat for this weekend as you promised but as I've paid for it I'd like to know when/if it will still be coming as I called Cobra direct and they had no record of the order - having a so called business phone line off the hook all day and then just leaving an answerphone on doesnt look too good to any customer.



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  • 2 weeks later...

I've still not heard from them even after calling them after easter to let me know when and if I will be getting the seat even tho its gone past the point of me actually needing it, not replied to emails either BUT they have tried to deliver it to the invoice address, not the shipping address that I specified when I made the order. I gave the delivery address to be my parents as Im at work all day so no good sending it to me! At the mo the seats probably in the depot which is in Maidstone quite a few miles away from me & Im not going to pick it up as its not my fault they sent it to the wrong address! Im printing out all emails & invoice I have circling the delivery address and sending it to my CC company so they can claim it back - hopefully teach GS Motorsport a few basics in customer service ;0)

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

Bump for a bunch of cowboys!

Got a letter from my CC saying that GS Motorsport did all they could to deliver the seat to me & that I gave them the wrong address etc!

Gotta send another letter now all of a poxy fu*king seat that I dont even need anymore!


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