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Decent place for a remap on vr6 in the devon area?

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Anyone know of somewhere in the devon area that is able to re-map (dont want that superchips kak)

Im putting together a shopping list inc schrick vgi and 268's so itll need mapping (broke my arm so perfect time to save up whilst im out of action, vegged out infront of my PS3 for 6 weeks haha )

also, has anyone got a performance exhaust manifold and how much difference does it make noise/power etc

ta all :)

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Where abouts in Devon are you buddy? I'm from Plymouth but live in Leeds. Tbh I don't think there is anyone further down from Stealth that has the gear or the knowledge.

I'd of said Alan Jefferies in Plymouth but he's a bit of a Jap/Ford guy and I'm not a fan tbh.

Some of the Bristol guys may suggest a couple of places, I'll let them tell you as mixed reports yet again!

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Its not in devon but RK engineering down in here in cornwall are VAG men and have Rolling road' date=' the gear and knowledge, so would be able to remap it for u, they're on 01872 553839


yeah, spotted them on custom codes website yesterday and thought they looked a good bet, cheers mate

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