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VR6 Turbo management recommendations

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Curious to know if there is one (justifably) popular system in use, or what people have used/are using in their cars. Good points, badpoints, etc?

Also I understand that someone on here was building a replacement coilpack set up as a replacement for the useless std item - did anything come of it and if so, any possibility of a link?

Many thanks

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Im going for the C2Motorsports fuel system. They ship over a hole ECU from USA. They have gone in to the ECU' date=' and removed the stuff we dont need. I have not tried to fit this yet, because Im waiting on the ECU package.

But it should be good to go. If not, well......



so maiden vr6, you use the ecu they supply as opposed to your own?

also do they not map them based on fuel from the states? and how do you go about contacting them to purchase one? as the 'contact us' is based on people that live in america.....


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I called them. Talked to Chris. I said I want a turbo system for my car OBD2. He said it was not possible to make a chip for my Euro ECU. They needed my car to do that. So they bought a used OBD2 ECU for me, and put their own C2 chip inside. They they logged in to the ECU and custom build it to work with my car.

They knew exacly what turbo setup im gonna have, so Jeff from C2 adjusted it all for that.

I must say im not 100% sure this will work, until I turn the key.

But Jeff told me, that before I install the hole kit I need to make sure it starts with the new ECU.

So im gonna fit the 95mm Maf,Bosch440's and the new ECU on my stock engine. It should idle perfect.

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Interesting, although I am using a ABV engine(2.9 'raddo) this is OBD1...?

Also I'd like to lose the damned MAF as it seems to be nearly as problematic as the ones on 1.8t's and run something that uses MAP instead - usual suspects such as motech, haltec, emerald, etc.

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IBIVR on here has some OBD1 turbo software, or did have at least, might be worth talking to him.

I use the DTA P8Pro to manage my turbo requirements, although that has now been superceded with the S80.

What C2 say on their site is correct, the Stock ECU does automatically compensate for changing conditions (as can most standalones) but that isn't always desirable. It is preferable for YOU, the driver, to tell the ECU exactly what to do under any given circumstance, rather than letting the ECU p1ss about trying to make sense of the signals it's receiving.

My P8Pro is dead smooth at any rpm. You get none of that annoying closed loop hunting you get with standard management under part throttle conditions. It's also using MAP as it's main load and is therefore more reliable, more responsive and more accurate than MAF.

The key to how a turbo engine behaves is in the boost compensation map, which you don't get in a stock ECU since it was never designed to see boost, so C2 are fibbing when they say they don't 'trick' the ECU. That is precisely what they are doing. Normally aspirated ECUs need to think the engine is still normally aspirated in order to marry the Mass air and injector cycles together properly.....otherwise the Mass air ramps up at a massive rate compared to injector open time, which confuses the hell out of the ECU. It can fudged around, but it'll always be a fudge. And if the MAF goes (your only load reference), pray the fuelling goes rich rather than lean!

The P8Pro has fast acting counter measures for MAP sensor failure.

Standalones expect to see boost and can therefore control it effectively and as it's MAP based, it monitors boost pressure and can limit or increase boost as desired with an N75 turbo valve.

I recommend Standalone, but they're expensive and they do have their issues, but the hassle is worth it.

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