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Ecotec Valve !!!

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As with most of these Holy Grail "free power but with better economy too" things if they were such a simple idea that really worked then car makers would already be putting them in their cars from the factory. Manufacturers like nothing more than to boast how the latest innovation from their engineers has given you more power but also more economical. I'm pretty sure the ecotek valve probably does one or the other to a minor degre but not so as you'd notice & its probably doing it by fooling a sensor to tell the ecu that something is not what its actually is thus it's not exactly a scientific process & is more of a dodgy hack.

Just my tuppence worth

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I seem to remeber spotting a post somewhere back around xmas on t'internet, where someone had taken one apart, all that was inside was a basic valve that looked like a ball bearing with a hole drilled through it, so it just puts a pulse into the vacuum instead of a uniform pressure,so well worth the money ;-D

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