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according to "that murino twat" chelsie were the best team in the first leg and the best team in the second......? eh what game was that twat watching then? the scoreboard says different Jose!!!

on another note i see chelsie managed to kill another board member in a helicopter crash aswell today, all smells of the russian mafia to me

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[blockquote]'' In light of the recent GMTV phone in scam. Manchester United and Chelsea officials have today announced they are suing UEFA. They are apparently furious that they were allowed to enter a competition that they had absolutley no chance of winning'' [/blockquote]

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Bloke on his way home from work after a tiring night shift, comes to a dead halt in traffic and thinks to himself: "Wow, this traffic seems worse than usual, nothing's moving."

He notices a Police officer walking back and forth between the lines of cars so he rolls down his window and asks: "Officer what's the hold up?"

The officer replies: "It's Jose Mourinho the Chelsea Manager. He's just so depressed about the prospect of losing the FA cup to Man United, just being knocked out of Europe by the Scousers again and only winning 1 f**kin' mickey mouse trophy after gobbing off all season. He's threatening to douse himself in petrol and set himself on fire. He says his family hates him, most of the country are laughing at him and he can't do his job properly anymore. I'm walking around taking a collection for him."

"Oh really?" says the bloke "How much have you collected so far?".

"Only about 1/2 a litre, but a lot of people are still siphoning."

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