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where in this country sells the intercooler setup for a v9f?

i went out in mine this morning and holy shit it was rapid in the cold air it was dry and still started scrabbling/spinning AFTER it got to 50 mph ish it really felt quicker than it has been

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u can get the stage 3 kit from ns racing ask for raj but it will cost u just under a £1000 i have it on my vr and u already have 320bhp so its an expensive item as your not going to gain no more bhp even at a push an extra 5-10 bhp i have a charge cooler set up in my garage but i think ive already spoke to u about that already

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mine never gets too hot-90c on a thrashing.aquamist' date='mocal seems to do the trick!only running 8.5psi/300 bhp.always mix the coolant 50% strenght.


my oil temp is great hardly ever goes over 94-96 (usually in the high 70s low 80s) its the intake temp that bothers me

do you mean mix the aquamist??

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Ignore oil temps, plug in VAG-COM and monitor the intake temp measuring block - that's the important temp.

Charge/inter coolers more for keeping the torque consisent, especially over the summer, and power as we know is derived from torque, so if the torque drops due to heatsoak, so does your power.

The air temp coming out of the charger will be about 70 degrees on boost and that is the coolest your intake temp is going to be with no intercooler. Water injection will get the temps down a bit.

Heat soak is a big problem, I've seen 90 deg intake temps on mine with the charger after sat in traffic for 30 mins. The highest my intake has been with a turbo and schimmel chargecooler after sitting in traffic for 50 mins, on a 25 deg day was 47 deg. The rest of the car (damper oil, tyres, engine mounts) got extremely hot and bothered, but the motor just ticked over quite happily.

A good intercooler / chargecooler will keep intake temps below 30 all year round and a lot lower especially over winter, but no more than 10 deg above ambient is a good one.

The Schimmel chargecooler does exactly that, as do some nice size front mount intercoolers.

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i class torque as power i know the diffrence between torque and bhp :)

i didnt know you could measure the inlet temp id love a gauge for that but alas i doubt its possible

it brings me back to my main question where can i get a reasonable i/c or cc for not too much money (rules schimmel out)

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