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The GTI International Camping Thread 2007

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For those who will be camping in the official GTI International camp site ( http://www.autometrix.co.uk/html/gti07/camping.html ) please could you reply stating which nights you will be there, how many peeps and what size of tent(s) to give some guide to how much pitch we need to nab on Friday afternoon.

The Goth; Friday & Saturday; 1 three-man dome tent.

Cabrioman; Friday & Saturday; 1 three-man dome tent.

Earwig & Dub-Donna; Friday & Saturday; large dome tent.

Absy; Satuday; Arena size tent ;-)

Blondie; Satuday


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how much is it to camp Nige? Just booked my ticket' date=' going Sun only and once again, god forbid, I am S&S. So need to be there early-grrrrr! Tempted with staying over the nite b4


£10 for one night, £15 for 2 and £20 for Friday, Saturday and Sunday.

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Not looking forward to Fri Night camping' date=' weather supposed to be thunder and lightening!!!!!!

Think I'll be travelling to show on saturday!!!


The BBC are more optimistic


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Not heard anything about the show being off. . . .

Weather is a bit brighter at the moment but 30 mins up the road for me and alot could change in that distance.

Campsite will be pretty wet whatever happens now :-(

Still going to go anyway, at least we will all still be in the same boat :)


P.S. Will need to borrow a mallet from someone please :) Seem to have misplaced ours in the move !

P.P.S. Nige ! Let me know what time you are coming past me and I will join up with you.

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Here's the text of the letter I've sent to Gti Internation ( Autometrix ) and Big Wheel Entertainments ( gti@autometrix.co.uk, info@bigwheelentertainments.co.uk ). Feel free to steal any points I've made to add to your own complaints.

"Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing, as you are probably expecting, to complain about the standard of the official GTi International show camping this year. And not solely because of the mud. Which, although obviously out of any ones control, could have, I feel, been managed better by a team who are "very capable and experienced." Straw and portable roadways being just two possible solutions.

Could you please supply me with a copy of the proposed plan/layout on which you based the following statements?

"The provision of toilets and shower facilities will be better than last year" - From memory there where only about as many 'portaloos' available as last year and only two ( single ) showers, whereas last year there where at least three shower cubicles in each trailer unit.

"Food & Drink

Plated breakfasts and bacon baguettes available in the mornings. In the evenings, a variety of food, sweet and savoury will be available; Roast pork carvery, Southern fried chicken, Burgers (incl veggie), Hot dogs, Spicy potato wedges, Chicken tikka, Sausage, Bacon, Baked beans, chips, spicy chicken wings, Donuts, Crepes and more...... " All I saw on Friday night was one burger and one donut van and even these where gone before I returned after the first day at the show.


On duty 24 hours." I saw no security on site at all with the only responsible persons being the farmer and his family. If security had been on site, I assume, they would have enforced the 'no car movements' condition and certainly stopped people from performing handbrake turns in the middle of the site, making the muddy conditions even worse.

"First Aid

On site First Aider." Luckily I had no cause to discover the validity of this statement, but given how everything else was organised and having seen no first aid point, I can only assume it was the farmers wife with a first aid kit!


Cars must be parked next to tents." Which would have been a good thing, if the site access had been adequate. All three of the cars from the owners club I went with grounded out on entry and exit, damaging the front splitters, as the ramp down from the road was too steep for them. They where not especially low compared to some of the show cars which could have been expected to turn up such an event. And then due to the conditions of the field the T&Cs was changed to "Cars must be parked in the next village". A condition which was unacceptable to me and caused me not to stay for the full duration I had paid for.

Which, as an aside, brings me to the fact that it was stated that tickets needed to be purchased before hand and none would be available at the gate. After the booking deadline had passed, tickets did become available, if required, on the day. A tactic looked on dimly by Trading Standards.

When I asked why the camping was so far into the field I was given three answers. Firstly, the noise. Which being a country site I feel would have disturbed no one except the farmer, who was being well paid for the inconvenience, and could have been kept under control if security had been on site. Secondly, the lawful requirement to have enough distance to stop/reduce queueing onto the public highway. However ticket inspection, the activity most likely to cause queues, was no more then 20 feet from the gate. And thirdly, and probably the most accurate, the farmer was planning on using the near meadow for his daughters wedding reception in the near future.

As I feel the site was wrongly advertised and the terms and conditions where changed after I purchased my tickets I would also like details on getting my camping fees refunded.

If I fail to get a timely, satisfactory, response I will not hesitate to take the matter up with Trading Standards / Consumer Direct.

Yours sincerely

N Gregg"

I'll keep you updated about any response I get :@

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Jesus Nige i didnt realise things were that bad with the camping :o

It seems the only thing to really let the show down was the camping as I know me and the rest of GMVW who i went with had a excellent weekend. And IMO was one the best shows I've been to in a long time,

Fair play to the letter though very well written and presented - Hope you get somewhere with it as by the sounds of things the camping was terible.

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