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The GTI International Camping Thread 2007

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A nice lady, called Sarah ;-) , has already responded to all my points in a satifactory manner.

"Hi Nigel

Thank you for your email.

As you are no doubt aware, the whole of the Midlands and Yorkshire were

plagued with extreme weather conditions this weekend. This is something


no amount of organisation can prepare for.

I am extremely sorry that you experienced this and our team on site


doing everything they could to help in this situation, including


people by 4x4 to their tents.

In answer to your questions:

Regarding the toilets and showers, we were told there were only 4


last year. This year we had 6 shower units and 10 toilets, which were

positioned in 3 blocks around the field, for convenience.

All the food and drink listed was being provided from the 2 catering


that were on site.

There were 3 members of security on site, who were in no way connected


the farmer and his family. They were employed by Big Wheel


The Farmer and his family actually had nothing to with the event, but


kindly, due to the severe weather, very kindly helped out with the


The First Aider on site was Ian Jones.

Regarding the 'lowered' cars. The first 2 cars on site on Thursday were


staff and they told us that the field had passed the test as one of


cars was probably the lowest car there was coming.

Under the circumstances of the torrential weather, we had no

alternative but

to stop the cars coming onto site. Everyone was told that they were

able to

use the field for camping, but unfortunately had to leave their cars


in the farmyard or as near as they possibly could. All the facilities


still available for use on the site.

At no point was anyone told that tickets MUST be purchased beforehand.

Anyone who enquired, was told they were cheaper to purchase prior to


event and that they could pay on the gate but the admission would be


expensive and had to be cash only.

The point at which tickets were checked onto site was originally a good


yards into the field. I assume that under the freak weather conditions


this was moved accordingly.

In answer to your final query regarding the wedding taking place. This


(immediately to your left as you enter the gate)was roped off and was


intended for use as it is too close to the road/gate.

I disgree that this site was wrongly advertised and the change in


was totally beyond our control. However, I am happy, as a good will


to refund your 2nd night's camping, for the 3 people booked. I will


this for you today.

Kind regards

Sarah Barker

Tel: 0845 373 3578


Result! Although it's only £15 it does set a precidence for everyone who didn't want to camp under the conditions.

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I disagree with what they have said there, on a few points.

Regardless of weather they said there was security on site (A whole 3 people) I saw no sign or activity from them atall ! I saw nobody walking around.driving around and as such I find it unacceptable.

First aider ? 1 person on site ? So where the hell was he ? How did we know wheree he was ? This instance IMO is far more unacceptable than a lack of on hand security.

Regardless of wetahr or not we stayed the second night the fact remains that the burger vans that were on site were in fact gone and/or packing up as we were collecting our tent. I am sure we have pictures of this as we were taking pics of all the mud, I am sure they maybe seen in the background, leaving the site.

As for them saying the sites entrance was fine and that one of the officials had "One of the lowest cars" I can only assume that is a blatant lie. My car at a paltry 75mm down took the splitter off going into the site on dry, let alone on the mudbath way out.

I may take up these points in my own Email to them, whilst making clear that I will not be returning to their event next year.

At the stupidly high prices we are expected to pay for this show compared to other (much better) shows, I expect a hell of a lot more.

I am sure that many other people also feel the same which was shown by the cars that did NOT make this event. Although there were some very nice cars there, many of the best cars in the country did not attend the event which is a reccurance of last year when they also failed to make it.

The show itself was not to bad, but once again there is alot more on offer from other shows that cost less for an entire weekend (Including camping) than Inters does for 1 day ! This IMO in also unacceptable.

Another annoyance I had was the fact that all the show cars were sat in a 1 lane queue to get into the site while all the public were taken down a huge open runway (Using at as a drag strip) and into the show before the cars they were here to see. How does that make sense ?

Inters has been on the slide for many many years now and it may hav just slipped off the edge. . . .


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there needs to be a firm "boycot" of Gti international, what a joke.......

the organisation is now useless, the site they have chosen is nothing more than "a farmers field" if they cant supply a decent venue and organise facilitys that are acceptable then the show should be ignored.

i would rather save my money all year and go to the Austrian Treffen, at least that is in an idilic location and organised by a nation that really know how to hold a show in the correct way.

i fail to see how camping and parking in a muddy field is acceptable, even if it werent raining its dusty and dirty and wrecks your paint as soon as you drive in, how can the words "international" be used to describe this show anymore? if i was from holland or germany or anywhere else in Europe i would avoid it like the plague, its become dull, badly organised and too expensive.

just because it claims to be "the premiere show" which it clearly isnt any more as E38 and spring fest are clearly better shows and cost at least 1/2 the price to get in, thats why i personally havnt been to "inters" for 3 years now, its badly organised in a bad site and waaaaaay too expensive on top of travelling and camping costs, they will not get a penny of my money untill it is held on a hard standing surface completely, with proper marshalls (not just some tit from cgti) and a "security guard" that couldnt secure his own bike, proper toilet/shower facilities.

im sure lots of other people feel the same way? so maybe the VW community should speak as a whole and totally ignore an absolutely appalling show next year and arrange something else? why cant the chairman from all the main clubs get their heads together and start a new event? and maybe make it non profit making so people can just enjoy seing others dubs in a nice location with a minimal entry fee like E38 with all the things everyone expects to have in place without being shafted with dodgy descriptions and then "ordered" to park your pride and joy miles away from the site, lets face it if it were organised properly every eventuality would have been catered for especially knowing what the weather is like in this country this time of year. The European visitors if there were any? wont be back next year thats for sure, so why dont WE all go there instead? cheap booze cheap fags, cheaper petrol and superb venues in nice countrys without some "tool" charging you the earth to show off "your" VW its food for thought guys and gals

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they have now offerd us half are money back so they no they are in the wrong i am going to demand the lot back ..any one els had any luck

Only got £5 back for the second night.

Also let them know that the electric fences were ON even though you had children. I am sure one of you kids got "Zapped" by the fence ? ;-)

Keep us updated :-)


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