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Got a problem on the Vento whereby the wheels starts to shake at 60mph and gets steadilly worse as the speed rises. Just had the wheels balanced and it's made no difference, tyres are good and evenly worn. What's likely to be causing it?

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I had this problem as well, and the problem was with the tyres, i.e. fitting 4 new tyres completely eliminated the shaking.

Before shelling out on new tyres, try swapping the front wheels for the back ones. If this makes a difference to the shaking, then you know its gotta be tyre/wheel related.

(I assume you feel the shaking as vibration through the steering wheel, and to a lesser degree through the seat?).

[Also - and this is a long shot!! If you've just had the wheels balanced, check to see whether the balancing weights are still on the wheel!! I noticed on my VR6 with the later, larger discs, and original 15inch wheels that the caliper is really close to the rim, possiby close enough that if the wheel weight is NOT of the very slim variety, that it might actually get knocked off as soon as the wheels turn!]

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Well two thingsI have had in my life. One was cheap S**T tyres where the tread had actually shifted and was therefore unbalanced. The second was a well dead bearing and disk combo - obviously had some sound to this tho' !

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