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guys ive gotta spend yet more money on my vr but i dont know what the part is called that i need to get, well as well as a new bloody rad. on the front of the engine to the right about half way down there is a pipe with 2 plugs and a blanking thing held in by a metal clip, there is water coming from this blanking plate, what is it for and how do i repair it or replace it, im going mad with the car and dont need this on top of the best part of a grand ive gotta spend on repairs in the next couple of months but i cant afford to not have a car so im fighting a losing battle

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Sounds like the thermostat housing and sensors. The blanking plate is there instead of some A/C senor. It's a '10p' O ring that's gone. When mine went I simply got a funnel and some piping and a bucket to catch the coolant which came out as I removed the clip and the plug. Changed the O ring, put back the plug and clip and topped up the coolant.

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The part number for the o-ring is VN 101 392 01 costs £1.48 from VW. You gona need 2 of them.

Those are the seals that go either end of the water transfer, or crack, pipe. The seals for the sensors / blanking plug are N 903 168 02 and should be cheaper. But hey we are talking about VW!

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