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Fitting V2 Supercharger

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I've just bought a V2 charger secondhand, it came with everything i need to fit it, the onjly problem is that it has a 10-11psi pulley on it. Does anyone have a larger pulley(lower psi) that I could swap with them or can recommed where I can get one from.

I also have Hella Twin headlamps fitted to the car but I'm worried about the clearance between the back of the charger and the back of the lamp, does anybody have the same setup and how did they get around this.

When I fit the charger to the car, I'm going to have to drive it, I'm worried of driving it such a distance to get it mapped, as I live in Cardiff. Does anybody have a chip with a map that would allow me to drive the car safely up, or recommed a place nearer to me.

Also. has anybody ever run a mega squirt ecu with these superchargers, what was the outcome.

Sorry about all these questions but I'm new to forced induction on the VR6, and I just want to make sure everything goes right, with out blowing it up.

Cheers Guys.

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Put a wanted post on for the pulley, loads floating around, or try C2 motorsport

If you get a 6psi pulley, itll be fine if you keep it below 4000rpm, i drove around for 600miles on standard map

If an 8psi pulley do the same and youll need red top injectors fitted at the place you get it mapped and i would fit water injection aswel

worth fitting a low temp thermostat and thermostatically controled oil cooler with a charger too and youll need uprated engine mounts

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It'll be fine to drive to your choice of tuner as long as you don't run it over 3-4,000 rpm. You'll find it just wont want to rev anyway and if you kept doing it, you'd melt something!

As for the ecu, deffo get a custom remap, but i'd advise and good exhaust if you don't already have one before you map the car.

If you have the choice, do as much to the engine as you are thinking of doing before you have it mapped, then you will get the most out of everything you have bolted to it and it will save you money in having it mapped again. I've got a 6 branch sat in my garage and not fitted it yet because of that reason.

The hella's have never really been to my choice fella so I can't comment I'm afraid.

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