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Temp Gauge isnt working !

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Ive had this problem since i got the car, i dont think its effecting the running of the car but its just one of those things which i find annoying ! hah. Anyway the temp gauge doesnt work, when im driving the car it never goes above the first set of lines, but when i park the car up and leave it running it raises to halfway.

I always thought it went up to halfway and stayed there ? any ideas what the problem could be ?

Thanks, Damien.

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Your oil will take longer to warm up. But as long as you don't cane it until it does, it shouldn't cause a problem.

The thermostat housing is below the coil pack. VW should stock them as I will expect do Eurocarparts and GSF. Awesome do lower temp ones.

The housing itself can become quite brittle over time so be prepared to change that as well.

All the part numbers are in this thread http://www.vr6oc.com/e107_plugins/forum/forum_viewtopic.php?132303

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