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Next Rolling Local Meet - 4th November - Fireworks!!

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Remember, remember the fifth of November,

the Gunpowder, treason, and plot,

I know of no reason why gunpowder treason

Should ever be forgot.

As a change to the usual car parks and pubs and to celibrate the greatest piece of direct action in British history or the saving of the King, depending on your viewpoint, I've selfishly/selflesly played my joker and bagsied the next meet down my way.

Initial meet at Trumpington Park and Ride South of Cambridge, J11 M11 - CB2 9FT, (Time TBD) before convoying down to my place for fireworks and all the trimmings.

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My political views are very personnel and private and i think i was out of the country when the "Gunpowder Plot" was going on so i cant really comment :-p

As for a rolling meet and light entertainment at yours. We would like to come if thats ok. Couple of cases of Stella and whatever else you want us bringing :)

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We'll come pls mate?! Can bring fireworks' date=' food, whatever you need :)


Of course you can, that's why I posted it up. Same goes for Sean too.

As it's also doubling as a celebration of me moving back into my old pad and having space for fireworks, I'll cover them. I've seen some amazing looking ones on the web.



It also means that if it gets rained off no one if left with fireworks they can'tt use.

All contributions of food and drink will be graciously accepted however. But we can sort of that out nearer the time.

Oh, and I'm going to need a George W Bush mask ;-)

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Really looking forward to the fireworks. Never really done any myself so should be a good laugh !

I can remember my parents having fireworks and a bonfire when I was a kid, before the country got too nanny.

So, when I lived here before I did it once, one year when Maplin, of all people, sold fireworks. And it was indeed good fun. Modern ones seem so much better than the 'standard' ones I remember as a kid: roman candles the size of smartie tubes, rockets small enough to launch from milk bottles. I'd have died if I'd seen a rocket taller than I then was

Let's hope the weather is with us.

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Well the fireworks have arrived. How I love the internet. :-d






I'm expecting a visit from the security services any day now! (h)

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You'll have the biggest display in cambridge/hertfordshire

Hope you've invited the neighbours!!!!!

I doubt it. Cambridge Council put on a monster display each year. And the place I got my fireworks from do 'packs' costing up to £1450!!

Not yet. Do you think I ought to?

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The first ten day forecasts are in and even though I don't trust them to get it right much before 24hrs ahead, Sunday is looking dry. So I think systems are go.

Fireworks will be at 6, to allow Craggsy time to come down after work. Everyone else should aim to meet at Trumpington Park & Ride at 5, with the convoy heading off to my house at 5:30

Please wear stout footwear, if not wellies even, as a bowling green my garden certainly isn't and a torch would be useful to find the way from your car in the dark. The garden is full of sharp, spiky and poisonous plants so parents will need to keep an eye on their own kids as I'll take no responsibility for the results otherwise! Similarly, the use of sparklers is entirely at your own risk.

Anyone wanting to bring fireworks, although please don't feel you have to, should bring Cat 2, Garden fireworks, only. As these will help move the show along whilst the bigger Cat 3 set pieces are being set up behind. Of which I have enough.

Any one offering to provide the guys face? Bush would be ideal ;-) but I'm not against burning any politician.


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