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The Bill on ITV tonight!!

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Anyone watch it??? Ive never seen a Y plate mk3 highline!! Loved the police chase though and the bad guy spinning the vr in 1st and 2nd with tyre smoke as well as the infamous roar!!

they did sell 1 in 2000 but its prob just a fake plate

That doe make sense. With all the prop guns in use and stunt driving they would have had to have used closed roads.

Otherwise the car would have had to be road legal. I saw a program about The Professionals a while ago, in which it was claimed that the producers had to get a special dispensation from the DVLA as the silver Capri used in a later series wasn't the same one as used previously and was ineligible to carry the reg plate they needed to use for continuity.


P.s. It has also dawned on me since that the 'Golf GTi' on The Bill had the multi-spoke BBSs on rather then the solitudes you would expect for a late Highline. So might have been a standard VR6. It was debadged and I didn't get chance to notice the gear n0b or pillar plastics!

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