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Uprated Components Sound Poor

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Hello all!

I've recently upgraded my VR's standard 6.5" Component speakers to JBL GT605's, and I was expecting them to be a mile and a half better than the standard ones. Unfortunately I'm less than impressed. I'm pretty sure I've wired everything up correctly, so I'm just wondering if there's anything that could have caught me out.......

Does anyone know what colours the speaker wires are? I.e. the standard wires. There are blue and white leads, brown and red, all sorts. Why couldn't they have just stuck with red and black!?!? Lol! :D

Anyway, if anyone can help, it would be most appreciated!



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if you are putting uprated speakers in you will get a better sound by running new uprated wires from the head unit to speakers mate the better the quality of the speaker wire the better sound you get and are you trying to run all 4 uprated components off of head unit or have you got an amp cos it could just be that your headunit hasnt got the guts to give you the sound your after.i always amp my components and get a wicked sound.

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check they are connected right, you can do it just by listening, if they are the wrong way round they will basically have the effect of sucking the bass out of the sound, also check they dont need to be amped, as some actually need it and if not the under-powering can damage them

Ive got kappas in mine all round and the fronts wernt amped and sounded abit lame, so asked down the local car audio specialists and he said they needed the power to fully create the sound, they now sound awesome,

check the headunit hasnt got a crossover in it aswell that maybe turned on

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alls you need to do is check youve got the wire the right way round, or inphase this just means that if you have the + and - the wrong way round the speaker will be pulled in when the bass notes come instead of been pushed out,

as for the quality of wire it means sod all unless your going full on SQ level,

i had htese in my mk3 1.4 and they sounded good runn off the head unit,

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Hello mate the mk3 standard speaker placement are not the best they give a really flat response meaning poor bass output something to with the way the door is made .make sure the speakers are in phase pos to pos neg to neg and a speaker sound dead kit from audio scape should help .

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