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Spraying some of the inside of standard vr6 headlights so they look smoked???

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As the lights are 10+ years ld you might get away with not putting them in the oven - you might be able to prise them open - run a blade around the sealant. If not then stick em in the oven for 5 mins on a low setting.

Painting - just use a small brush and a steady hand- the glass will hide any brush marks, far easier than trying to mask parts off.

Did mine at the weekend, although i have the MK4 style the principle is still the same.


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this is dead easy, split them by using a heat gun. paint them using a brush and black hammerite, obviously not the rreflective parts, also paint the edges so the areas around the lights are painted black. reseal with black or clear bathroom silicone. Job done ;) The clips that hold the lense serve as good enough pressure to hold the silicone until it hardens.

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here ya go!


i did mine on monday. just managed to pull em apart. i found that once you get that gap, take a knife to it and cut the silicone, then its all easy.





just painted everything that i could and could see thats white. even the metal bracket in the middle.

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