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Fed up of mindless tw@ts!

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In the last two weeks ive had the SAME person hit my car!

The first time they reversed down the side of the VR and drove off, and then about 15minutes ago (from post beginning) i witnessed them opening their door onto my front wing! :@

Why are people so mindless and careless, they didnt even check to see what damage had been done.

This is not what i need just before the show season! :@

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They live in the flat below me...they have said that they are going to get a quote by tomorrow for the initial incident, but now this has happened then i shall be expecting them to repair the whole lot, else i shall be making a full complaint to the police. Unfortunately its metallic and would require one side of the vr spraying if done properly.

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Its normally the tyep of twat that is A) jealous or B) a complete pikey with no regard for anything or probably the worst of the lost C) when you kick off about it they say its only a car!!!!!

Get a cctv cam from maplins

I have one.

Both times the tape had ended and i was in the process of rewinding it hence why i was a witness. The bloke is getting a quote for me tomorrow. Just had words.

Im worried about it not being the right colour now!

Last year i had a full respray now im having little bits done :(

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with the paint being so new you should be ok as itll just mix up the same code as its all computerised now, its its just a scratch though your sparyer could hand paint it back in then polish it back out and you'd never know, or it may simply be sorted by wet sanding and re-polish

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cor i hate them idiots,their the sort of person who will come and park right next to you in a completely empty car park so close that you know they have whacked your car with their husbands big 4x4 door. i have always noticed theese people have a much more expensive car than me and im the one bothered wanting to mash up their car or them.

must be very rich or plain dunces,

good luck

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They arent bothered about their cars because they have 1) Enough money to buy another souless, square, boring lump of metal that kills everything it hits and causes massive traffic jams around 9am and 3:30pm 2) It is something provided for them via their husband who 'works in the city' so they dont worry about it 3) It is an older car that they have damaged and becasue their car is newer they dont need to worry because noone that cares about their car could possibly own something SOOO old..... Have a few 'friends' over for an evening, make sure he sees you all looking over and appreciating eachothers cars then maybe, just maybe the penny may drop that, yes you do care about your car that is why is looks and sounds so amazing, that is why you take so much care of it, wash it each week etc etc,,,, w@n**r$!!!

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