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New Owner - Problems Already!! Engine Speed Sensor?

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Hi All

I recently (last Sunday) purchased a 1995 Golf VR6 drove it all the way back from Bristol to Kent no problems BUT the other day, it started hesitating badly i.e. kangarooing then it stalled, i tried restarting but could only keep it running by pumping the accelerator and even then it wouldn't idle properly. had to be towed by the AA

Anyways i got my friend round who has a Snap-On diagnostics tool and it threw up 2 errors

00537 - Lambda Sensor Control - Control Limit Exceeded

00513 - Engine Speed Sensor - G28 - No Signal

Now we cleared the ECU and tried restarting the car still wouldnt fire or when it did it would idle like a sack of S**t then cut out again. I understand that the ECU says no signal from the speed sensor when not running but the lambda sensor error didnt reoccur

Id like opinions please but im thinking from the symptoms and what i have read on here already its probably the speed sensor, just dont want to change it unecessarily

ive got a part number of 021 906 433A from VW and surprisingly they were cheaper than Bosch for this item! £86.16 Including the VAT~!

Any input greatly appreciated

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I would go with lambda sensor,as i thinks its the cheapest out of the 2, and because the engine isn't running it might not be registering again.

But from the symptoms, it sound more like MAF or throttle body.

Try cleaning the throttle body first, and check the wires to the MAF.

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Thanks for the reply, it wasn't a progressive deterioration though, which in my eyes would rule out the throttle body being dirty/clogged

Re the lambda, it isnt saying it is at fault just that it cannot adjust fuelling any further to rectify, i believe this may have been down to me pumping the hell out of the throttle when trying to start.

Have checked the MAF all seems ok (unplugged etc) wires are ok. In my experience a MAF would put the car into "limp" mode rather than refusing to start, plus the fact that there was no MAF fault code on the diagnostics

I have found a local VW specialist that deals with parts so im gonna try the Engine Speed Sensor only £80.23 INcl VAT.

I will post my progress later today

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Just been reading this post and the past few nights driving home from work i have been having the same problem. But not as bad as yours. Mine seems to start fine and idle properly, then as i drive off out the car park i get into second then have to slow down again and put it back into first for a bad bend out the car park and it starts idling like crap and cuts out. then it takes about 10 seconds of turning the engine over before it starts, and when it does start it doesn't sound to clever. I also only bought the car last weekend and drove it 200 miles back home without fault. My mate has one of these snap-on diagnostics computers and it came up last night with the speed sensor error (same as brianbunning) so what you recon this could be? fuel pump or speed sensor? i would have put money on the speed sensor with us both having the same symptoms and error codes :s

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