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I was bidding on some wheels on ebay , I put he bid on the day the ad got listed at 50% more than the starting price which was slightly cheap, the amount I put on was probally a bit dear but I did want them and they don't come around too often.

This morning after I had gone out the auction ended and 10 seconds from the end some A-hole bid 4 pence more than me and won them, it only had 2 bidders and I had been on it for 7 days only to loose out the very last moment.

Really PI55ES me off that does.

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I was bidding on some wheels on ebay ' date='


Were these wheels you were bidding for

TT 'Reebok classic trainers with tracksuit bottoms tucked in socks' Comps where they *-)

Spookily true how'd you know :^)

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yea happens tp me all teh time' date=' have been guilty of doing it to other people...never by 4 pence tho!

iv had people win stuff off me than not pay up also....


I have people not paying, or the last 2 items I sold I put cash on collection only, both the winning bidders were, 1 from Lancashire and the other in the highlands and I live in the south, so they could not read.

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i had one guy win a climate control, and tehn he sent me an email sayin what have i just won!!?, is it the full conversion?. even tho i stated clearly on teh advert what it was..... so just wasted my time...

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Get the firefox sniper tool & win every time. Also' date=' you would have to be a complete noob to bid anytime before the last 10 seconds of an auction. ;)


If I sell on ebay and have loads of watcher but no bids I remove the item if it's valuble 12hours or more from the end, then I relist it with a buy now price and it 9 times out of 10 it sells straight away.

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Get the firefox sniper tool & win every time. Also' date=' you would have to be a complete noob to bid anytime before the last 10 seconds of an auction. ;)


Second that. Why anyone bids before the last few minutes confuses me. Why bump the price up more than needed

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Get the firefox sniper tool & win every time. Also' date=' you would have to be a complete noob to bid anytime before the last 10 seconds of an auction. ;)


Second that. Why anyone bids before the last few minutes confuses me. Why bump the price up more than needed

exactly no point whatsoever bidding until 10 secs to go!!

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Get the firefox sniper tool & win every time. Also' date=' you would have to be a complete noob to bid anytime before the last 10 seconds of an auction. ;)


Second that. Why anyone bids before the last few minutes confuses me. Why bump the price up more than needed

exactly no point whatsoever bidding until 10 secs to go!!

I always bid at the start what I am happy to pay and then forget about the item - if I win it great and if not then it was more than I wanted to pay anyway !!!

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Get the firefox sniper tool & win every time. Also' date=' you would have to be a complete noob to bid anytime before the last 10 seconds of an auction. ;)


Second that. Why anyone bids before the last few minutes confuses me. Why bump the price up more than needed

exactly no point whatsoever bidding until 10 secs to go!!

I always bid at the start what I am happy to pay and then forget about the item - if I win it great and if not then it was more than I wanted to pay anyway !!!

Exactally the way to play it IMO

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