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just a quick question guys,

im not overly mechanically minded but like to have a bash at things myself, and have a little knowledge. i just want to check some things out before i go any further, my 93 vr (coil pack = obd2?) has done roket ship miles. 132,360 last check but still pulls like a train. a mechanic i know who regulaly works on performance dubs said its possibly the free'est revving standard vr engine hes come across, i've fitted an ashley cat back and a filter with cold air feed. (and what a sound). but would i be right in saying that due to engine age and wear im highly unlikely to be seeing any gains over the standard bhp/toque with these? or considering it still loves 6.5k gear changes i could possibly be making slightly more ie..180bhp, the engine just never seems to run out of puff. basically i wanna start taking the next step with cams and a re-map but am wondering if its worth it or i sould just get a lower milage engine fitted and start again

anyhelp would be wonderfull (i'll even throw in the misses as payment). i know a lot of you guys know these engines inside out and id like to learn from people who know what they are talking about when it comes to my 6 pots of super unleaded heaven. starting wih the basic's pls

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1st off OBD 2 didn't come into play until '95, it is only the very earliest OBD 1 cars that had a distributor, and then came in with a coilpack variant. 2nd, high mileage to an engine is mostly a myth, you can completely screw an engine at 30k, or you could have one at 200k that goes like brand new, all depends on the way it's looked after, and the way it's worked. I've seen plenty of these at 170-180k running absolutely gorgeous so I wouldn't let 132k put you off if it runs as well as you say. The only thing you may have to do is replace more of the wear and tear items like gaskets and seals.

I see that you're looking into getting cams done, well if it was my car i'd have the timing chains done, whip the head off, do the head gasket, check over the valves and replace the valve stem oil seals. Even on a younger engine I would do this.

You should still notice a difference with a remap.

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well i think thanks to the replys ive kind of ansered my own question, i knew these aregood engines and can happily see 200k if looked after so its gunna be a case of guarenteeing another 50 or so thousand miles with a freshen up and then i know ive got a good base to start wih.

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