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charger pulley swap v9f, HOW TO!

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youv got me there lol the charger is easy enough to partly remove iirc its 2 19mm bolts i had to do it in the dark at the roadside to change the alternator once lol just remember to get plenty of tension back on it when you do it back up it WILL wreck your serpentine belt if its not VERY tight do you have a boost gauge??

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haha wouldnt fancy touching the charger in the dark!!

Boost guage is on my list, but I can only find 30psi guages, I want a 10-15 max really else the needle wont do much. Still unsure on if i like the digital guages?

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have donbe this roadside, its relatively easy, just ghotta make sure the belt runs the right way round, but with air con it will only go one way or else its too short / long! need the tensioner bolt sized spanner (maybe 17mm) and a lever of sorts.. i used a tyre lever on the v9f to get tension on the belt and wound the bolt up..

if any 1 wants, i have 2 spare belts for sale sutiable with air con...

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but the actually bolt through the centre of the pulley, does that come out from that side or is there a nut on the inlet side to undo

just had a look and it looks like on the face of the pulley it has a possible woodruff key, then the hex bolt head, is it just a case of taking that bolt out from the centre of the pulley and sliding the new pulley back onto the shaft?

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Never done it but its more than lighty going to be a case of remove the end nut and eather use a hammer to tap it free or at the very worse a 3 finger puller... Theres no way they would design so you have to strip the charger down... Get some balls and go and find out for us :-* lol

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ill ask vince at somepoint in the week when I call him

my plan at the moment is to put the new one in a bowl of hot water whilst removing the old one, should give it enough time to expand and slide on easier

I have seen on a US site that a small blow torch to heat the pulley works well, but ill try steam 1st I think

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Ok so Piece of cake.... I know this sounds daft but when you look at the charger set up it is exactly how you think you'd do it!

I would advise the time taken to pop the headlight out and Grill is worth while. It is not essential by any means It just means you can get in and fiddle better. You can either take the charger off or the Air pipes off. You have to losen the adjustment on Charger for belt removal anyway ( 2 Bolts ).......

If you are happy then just simply pop off and replace the belt and re-tighten -To remove the belt pop over a non ridged pulley first. You shoud be able to do with hand pressure only

If you take the Air pipes off it gives you a bit more access room to thread the belt down the side of the engine.

In all honesty Which ever you do is correct and it just depends on how big/long your hands and arms are..

Because the Jubilee clips pop on an off with ease I took it apart and put it back again. It only takes 10mins so make your life easy. But remember to put everything back before you tighten up and ansure they are located on the collars and done up correctly!

Get a mate to help tighten it up. You need to pull hard and tighten at the same time. This is a challenge if you do it alone as there are 2 bolts to do with a couple of open ended spanners, One tightenening whilst you have another open ender on the charger to pull for tension. ( there is a square rased piece of metal on the top)

A word of note: Ensure your Alternator and main waterpump are good. The new tension can adversley affect their life span. So if concerned then do it now rather than take it all off again later.... :( Once you take if off again for each of these reasons you learn to check for wear... On the plus side you will remove and refit it in literally 10 mins once you have done it the first time...

Last time I did it I had it off and on within the hour including bodywork.

work clean no oily prints please you're a VR6 owner :D

Once you have had a look if you have any questions give me a shout


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yeah saw that, but the pic on his post is a z-charger

how ever I do it ill take pics and do a guide if I have time.

Get on it this weekend hopefully, got my bargain red top injectors today so nearly ready

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It's raining so cant take a picture at the moment I am afraid, So I will try with just words....

Assuming you have the same model as me Stage 2 VF9 ....

As a reference point on the Top right of the charger you have the oil pipe as you face the engine from the front of the car.

You can see the Adjusting bolt for the tension to the right.... Then directly below that there is the another mounting bolt. Both on the right hand side aspect of the plate.

This basically is what mounts it on to the side of the engine....

Look down to the pulley. There is a very very small gap which you see as access down on to the belt. You need a little more so it is worth just poppin both bolts out.... to give some more access. (remove the Air pipes for freedom of movement).

A you are bent over slip the belt off the easiest pully once the tension is released.

You can see it all a lot clearer once you have it off!

There is no need to remove the charge pulley at all.

I have not had to take the pulley off ever!

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Oh one final point. Check where you are lined up on the belt before you remve it.

By that I mean front to back accross the pulleys from the top of the engine to the bottom. You need to ensure the belt hangs straight (top to bottom of the engine - with gravity) once installed, rather than having a bend/twist on it on the vertical plane.

otherwise you will shred it in no time!

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Bit of a blonde moment there...... For some reason I didn't think you were trying to do that... :$

Please accept my appologies.... +o(

In which case....

Do you have a good working area/vice? If not you will be very tight to get anything of good enough leverage if you in leave on the car.

Sometimes you do need to use a puller. You may find that the factory also used an impact spanner to ensure it is in place and yes whist i have read some will just pop off a puller is a good option as a stand by...

I will now go hang my head in shame.... 8-)

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hahaha, did wonder what was going on, no worries mate

Ive got access to workshops and airtools and all that so if its too much to do in the garage ill be off down there to get heavy duty on its ass!

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