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Can i run a 2 stoke engine backwards? (sorry its not related)

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Hello. Im doing alittle project atm and i was just wondering if anyone out there knows if you can run a 2 stroke backwards? And if you can will it perform the same? I think you would need to move the igniton timing to the other side but apart from that i can't think why it wouldnt work

thanks for any info

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lol the fins on the crank are to aid cooling over the cylinder head on air cooled engines, water cooled 2 strokes dont have them

2 strokes use the exhaust (expansion chamber) that big bubble exhaust thing and sonic sound waves to cause a vacuum which sucks the air fuel mixture though the engine which im guessing is what your thinking of

Think it depends on if you got a piston ported 2 stoke or crank ported to if it will run backwards and im sure the ignition will have to be changed unless it runs exactly on tdc.. so if it runs say 6 deg before top dead center then youd have to adjust it to 6 deg past tdc in order for it to run properly backwards if that makes sence lol :S

thanks anyway speak up if you got any info (if for a twin engine 2 stroke beast lol)

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Its a twin engine go kart which you can dismantel into 3 so it can fit in your boot.. geared to go about 60 but twin engines so it still got acceration

anyone seen the hyabusa go karts? there evil.. id love to make one one day

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vr6 gokart thats what u want hehe imagine the noise!

LOL there is a VR engine and box sitting about 2 foot next to it and 2 spare front hubs that anr't on my car. Might see what it looks like for a laff,,, u shouldn't say things like that cus you got me thinking now

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did you see the v8 bussa engine someone made? big bhp on little weight size' date=' It was on a hill climb somewhere if I recall


I havn't but just think about a 360bhp v8 that revs to13,000 or somthink silly. Such a wicked engine realy

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vr6 gokart thats what u want hehe imagine the noise!

LOL there is a VR engine and box sitting about 2 foot next to it and 2 spare front hubs that anr't on my car. Might see what it looks like for a laff' date=',, u shouldn't say things like that cus you got me thinking now


if you do it i wanna go and im not jokin

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2 strokes use the exhaust (expansion chamber) that big bubble exhaust thing and sonic sound waves to cause a vacuum which sucks the air fuel mixture though the engine which im guessing is what your thinking of

Cool! I don't really know how 2 strokes work, but that answers it, cheers :-)

I just remember reading somewhere that 2 strokes couldn't be used in cars and things because of emission and noise problems...... and the exhaust gases hanging around in the cylinders on the intake stroke.....hence some engines having some kind of pressure to push the fumes out.....or something?!

Didn't the 1.25L Fiesta had a Yamaha 2 stroke engine in it?

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2 strokes use the exhaust (expansion chamber) that big bubble exhaust thing and sonic sound waves to cause a vacuum which sucks the air fuel mixture though the engine which im guessing is what your thinking of

Cool! I don't really know how 2 strokes work' date=' but that answers it, cheers :-)

I just remember reading somewhere that 2 strokes couldn't be used in cars and things because of emission and noise problems...... and the exhaust gases hanging around in the cylinders on the intake stroke.....hence some engines having some kind of pressure to push the fumes out.....or something?!

Didn't the 1.25L Fiesta had a Yamaha 2 stroke engine in it?


You got it spot on kev, :) as the exhaust gas leaves the cylinder head the inlet air/fuel mix is draged into its place from the vacume left from exhaust. that and the air/fuel mix is also compressed alittle from the crank from piston coming down from the power stroke. Sounds complicated as everythink is happing at the same time but there quite simple realy.

You can gain or loose so much from the exhaust on a 2 stroke and because the exhaust is so important it wouldn't be pratical in a car because it has to be a certain lenth and shape and be quite loud. A 4 stoke can have big silencers on the exhausts without it realy afecting performance, they also drink oil and a car with a big 2 stroke would be realy exspenvice to run

Apart from this 2 strokes are great engines, realy reliable if kept cool and VERY powerfull for there size. a mild tuned 100cc 2 stoke can have as much as 30bhp

Wouldn't think a 1.25L Fiesta would be 2 stroke. If it was id want one as it could if they wanted to pack around 300-350 bhp. Come to think of it im not sure if you can get muity cylinder 2 strokes because of the way they work there normaly single cylinder around 200cc max

All this talk of VR go karts have put me off my half built 2 stroke kart now lol If and when i make a silly over powered gokart im goin to go VR6, just been thinking and there more powerfull than a busa engine sound and look much better, don't think its been done before and altho heavyer it would be worth it, need some weight over the front wheels tho LOL It would be somethink like 350-400bhp per ton in standard form :-d

Eat this, course you can have a go lol, Its your idea, Just think about the K&N 12" behind your head LOL

kind of want it im my car tho tbf, Just got a new job and a shed in the garden so got some more room, If anythink starts happening over the next few months ill update

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