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Nurburgring April 2009 (Easter)

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LOL.............like we was all meeting up just outside Bolougne last year....dead easy to find we was told. Finally bumped into everyone else in Belgium!!!!


Dead easy to find. The key to finding it was to not turn right! Straight over at the first roundabout and it's a big fuck off supermarket on your right.



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LOL.............like we was all meeting up just outside Bolougne last year....dead easy to find we was told. Finally bumped into everyone else in Belgium!!!!


Dead easy to find. The key to finding it was to not turn right! Straight over at the first roundabout and it's a big fuck off supermarket on your right.

Cheers' date='



gave us time for some breakfast though so not all bad even if the catch up was a bit of a race

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LOL.............like we was all meeting up just outside Bolougne last year....dead easy to find we was told. Finally bumped into everyone else in Belgium!!!!


Dead easy to find. The key to finding it was to not turn right! Straight over at the first roundabout and it's a big fuck off supermarket on your right.

Cheers' date='



Yeah we seen it coming back last year.....i think all of us said " oh there it is!!!"

Now I know where it is I can remember better, if we use bolougne again that is

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LOL.............like we was all meeting up just outside Bolougne last year....dead easy to find we was told. Finally bumped into everyone else in Belgium!!!!


Dead easy to find. The key to finding it was to not turn right! Straight over at the first roundabout and it's a big fuck off supermarket on your right.

Cheers' date='



ha ha yeah at least it gave us a few moments to grab some nice French pastries Andy and then a bit of a burn to catch up :) :) almost lost it at the next roundabout due to excess jam on my fingers !!! Steve's face was a picture !!

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Great, cheers for all that info

I won't be seeing you on the ferry as am going on the Chunnel a bit later, so possibly catch you at a meeting point somewhere, we'll see how it goes

Will have a read up on the ring and how to use it properly! Glad its not a race, felling less stressed now!!

Guess I will see you at the big blue tent on Sunday then!

Cheers all!!

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Great' date=' cheers for all that info

I won't be seeing you on the ferry as am going on the Chunnel a bit later, so possibly catch you at a meeting point somewhere, we'll see how it goes

Will have a read up on the ring and how to use it properly! Glad its not a race, felling less stressed now!!

Guess I will see you at the big blue tent on Sunday then!

Cheers all!!


Convoys are always slower 'cos someone always needs to stop. You'll probably catch up with us, especially if you miss out Luxembourg. Remember that it's on-the-spot fines throughout the drive there and there are no autobahns on the route. If you don't catch up, you'll find everyone at the campsite except for Warren and I who'll be getting a couple of laps in 'cos we don't have a tent to put up :-p



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No Autobahns!! Darn :-)

Thanks for the on the spot fines advice.... Need all the cash I can get to get some laps in!

Will be coming with my brother in law, we have opted to stay on a hotel after someone mentioned on here that it snowed last year!! brrrr!!

Would be good to catch up en route, will see how it goes

Maybe I could get someone's mobile number on Sunday to keep in touch on the journey?

See you Sunday!!

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hmmmm its only 15 od so K any one fancy missing the junction by mistake of course ....

yeah could be persuaded !!!

oh and Gary the easiest way to stay in touch is to get a set of these http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/COBRA-MT600-PMR446-LICENSE-FREE-SET-OF-WALKIE-TALKIES_W0QQitemZ130293684686QQcmdZViewItemQQptZUK_ConsumerElectronics_SpecialistRadioEquipment_SM?hash=item130293684686&_trksid=p3911.c0.m14&_trkparms=72%3A1683%7C66%3A2%7C65%3A12%7C39%3A1%7C240%3A1308 might be a bit tricky for you but if we plan to be somewhere roughly at the same time when you get close you can give us a shout on them :)

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Will be coming with my brother in law' date=' we have opted to stay on a hotel after someone mentioned on here that it snowed last year!! brrrr!!


Warren and I are staying at Hotel Goldfass. We've stayed there a couple of times before and it's cheap, clean, has a good breakfast and is about 20 minutes from the track. I'm not camping for a couple of reasons. Firstly, there's somewhere to put your valuables when you're on track. I don't want my laptop rattling about on the back seat whilst I'm driving! Secondly, everyone who was camping last year went home early because they were cold. I, on the other hand, had a great weekend on a snowy, wet and dry track. If I had been cold when I arrived at the hotel, I could have a hot shower and a hot chocolate in the bar. If you want to stop at the same hotel, just send 'em an email. They speak (and write) good English, so no problems there.



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hmmmm its only 15 od so K any one fancy missing the junction by mistake of course ....

Hmmmmm would be a good shake down wouldnt it..............in a purely scientific way that is' date=' to check the drag co effeicant(SP?) of the VR


Everyone's car will be different, depending on tyre sizes, ride heights, body kits, radio antennas and wotnot. You can work out your drag co-efficient if you feel the need. As for a blast down the autobahns, I don't see the point. It'll add 30 minutes onto the journey and you'll probably struggle with traffic. THose 30 minutes could be better spent doing two laps, in my mind!



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As for a blast down the autobahns' date=' I don't see the point. It'll add 30 minutes onto the journey and you'll probably struggle with traffic. THose 30 minutes could be better spent doing two laps, in my mind!


you could always take a wrong turn on the way home and do it by default ;-)

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As for a blast down the autobahns' date=' I don't see the point. It'll add 30 minutes onto the journey and you'll probably struggle with traffic. THose 30 minutes could be better spent doing two laps, in my mind!


you could always take a wrong turn on the way home and do it by default ;-)

There's always someone who remembers fuck-ups! Whose idea was it to put the guy with no co-driver, no sat nav and just a printout from Google Maps to get from Calais to the 'Ring in the lead, eh? I've never got so lost so many times in my life! All I knew was E42 > E40 and the signs disappeared when we passed Brussells. This year, there's two of us in the car, so one can navigate. I've got sat nav as a back-up too.



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Sorry Andy. Especially as the real problem was somebody wondering off from the hotel with a key. (a)

Good to hear you are going back to the Golden Barrel ;-) I would say I'll have to pop over, but that would start all sorts of comments from Ben and Donna :^)

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