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Hi guys, having recently got a new camera for my birthday, which is of seriously better quality than my old ones, I attempted to take some pics of the car with it to get used to using it.

Unfortunately the operator ie. me, is not up to the standards of the camera! Have you guys got any ideas/tips and angles you use to help improve my pic taking skills?

I've attached a couple of my poor attempt pics, but loads more of mine and other VR's can be found on my personnel folder here.... (feel free to sign the guest book too!)


User name: Sixappeal1

All comments/tips greatly recieved, on these pics and the ones on my folder....





Ps. Mods I know its pics of car, but looking for the advice hence why I have posted it in here, will do a seperate one for members rides section. Thanks.

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you're far too modest imo! love the 3rd one down... I always think the camera almost on the floor makes for an interesting angle but tbh I've got a point & shoot digi camera and I just point it and hope for the best!

ps dont park next to me or your car is gonna make mine look like a tractor! ;)

[ Edited Fri Oct 15 2004, 11:18AM ]

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Hello mate Try taking things like a step ladder with you etc when you take pics as like binliner said getting good angle shots from like putting the camera on the floor etc always looks so good. Higher angle pictures look good hence the step ladder, bit with a car like you MK3 which is low and phat more low angle pictures i think make it look better.

P.S. Car looks mint!

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Not claiming to be any sort of expert but: when i was doing my photography for my GCSE, we were taught that it is the background that makes a good picture (amongst other things). Its good if the background is uncluttered and simple so it doesnt distract u from the car, and if 'lines of interest' lead your eye into the main feature ie car.

Lighting is important too, experiment with the sun and car at different angles, and at different times of day.

Also experiment with camera angles. Your car is so low getting the camera down on the tarmac should produce some nice shots.

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good piont mecca about the lighting, as in pic2 you have the sky behind glaring, its not blinding but kinda distracting, if you were to take that pic from the same low angle, but from the passenger side of the car it would have been great, or just taken pic3 with the full car in would have been acceptable.

when people take pictures of cars they always forget about the back, and never take head on front pics. i know angles can look way better, but the odd frontal pic can make your car look evil. some good ones in your gallery tho. well done. i used to photograph rollerbladers doing tricks and could never get the right shot when i was thinking about it, so i used to just wander round the obstacle they were skating and take pics from high and low, and just hope i get a few good ones, dont think this would be a useful idea when photographing a static object tho.

[ Edited Fri Oct 15 2004, 03:30PM ]

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there is a location in your old gallery, where i think you should go again, the ones with the graffiti on the walls, it looks great, will make your car look realy tough. id give that a go when you next get chance. park it at angles, and not just in the same place. move the car around you, as well as you around the car.

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Unfortunately mate that is the same location! But they have knocked 2 of the shops down. My car is actually parked where that wall was!

Thanks for all the comments peeps, I have tried lots of different angles on my Picturetrail site, but its hard when its your own stuff to actually see whats good and whats not!

Keep the tips etc. coming!

Ps. its actually been raised 3 turns on the collies for the winter in these pics, compared to summer settings Mk3 Anni!

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This is the best time of year to take some pics. My old mans a professional photographer. We're off out tomorrow to take some pics. See, there are lots of colours about this time of year (being autumn and all that) plan for tomorrow is to go out find a nice secluded lane about middayish put a few leafs in the road and go blasting through them. Use a slow shutter speed and pan with the car. Obviously the old man will be by the side of the road and i'll go by him (trying not to knock him down!). Leafy lane shots should look cool! I'll post em up when we've done them.

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