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Warped 3 sets of discs in 6 months...

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I've run out of patience with this problem... read on

Put a new set of OEM discs and pads on the car last February. Within a month or so I started to notice a vibration under braking. So, thinking that I'd washed the car when the brakes were hot or gone through a puddle and soaked them, I got a new set of discs under warranty.

All fine until another month or so went by and the same thing happened. My mechanic reckoned I'd done the same and so replaced them under warranty again. I asked him to check the calipers, track rods, wishbones, bushes etc and he said they were all fine - it must be water again.

Fine, I thought. The discs are cheap so I'll just have to take more care. The discs are now starting to vibrate yet again, although not as bad as the last two times. I took the wheels off to have a look and the splash shields were in a bit of a sorry state.

So I'm thinking I should replace the splash shields and upgrade the discs and pads to EBC quality stuff. Thing is, I don't want to replace the discs and pads again with £200 of kit only for them to warp again.

Is there any reason I'm maybe not thinking about that would cause 3 sets of discs to warp in just a few months? *-)

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Not meaning to teach youto suck eggs or infer you are driving badly....

if your brakes are hot and you apply the brakes again the contrast in heat can do it. It was a common problem on old Novas. Basically what you needed to do was once you stop. take your foot off the brake pedal. This gives enough time for the environment in the brakes to sort them selves out.

I dont mean to say you are not braking correctly. It happens when you go around a track for example. they get hot and whilst the rest cools down your foot on the brake means that section particular remains at a higher temperature. so if you repeatedly use the brakes then eventually one or two sections remain hotter and hey presto the disk warps.

way around it is several fold. ensure you have a good quality set of discs (there can always be a batch problem so check you are not using the same batch each time and putting the same issue back in), as you say check you splash gards etc and finally drive like you did in the old lessons. when you stop foot off the brake and hand brake on

hope this helps


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Thanks for the reply Rodney, I have a habit of holding in the brake pedal and not applying the handbrake correctly so you're probably right.

I have my eye on a set of Black Diamond Combi discs and Predator pads - any opinions appreciated... ;)

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