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up rated bearings for vortech charger

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ok can any on tell me how fast the charger spins at what boost, as iv found up rated bearings but cant figure out which one i would need i only want to run 20psi max i know the pully would be tiny but im gona machine some uprated pullys also who in the uk can rebuild the vortech vf engineering charger

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its limited to 20 psi due to the compressor blades going supersonic and ruining the airflow mate imho youve got no chance of hitting 20 psi with the ribbed normal belt i reckon youd have to make some kind of toothed belt/pulley combo i have enough trouble at 12 psi

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i was thinking about increasing the other pullys sizes meanin i could use say a 8 psi pully to get 18psi

but toothed pullys are another idea i could look at but would take a lot more time to machine

and i want to stick with my v9 for now as it would only cost the pric e of the bearings and a remap to run the extra boost plus i love the sound of this charger

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yeah best route is definatly over engineering it, nice and bomb proof, with 20psi being the max, realistically 18 psi is probably as far as you would want to take it probably

I think 20psi is approaching 65,000 rpm, seem to remember seeing those figures back along and something like after 50,000 rpm the efficientcy tails off quite sharply so will sap more power to run

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