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2 flakes and the UK stops........

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Well we were caught out last night....... I was on my way home outta London. I know it was wet from the trip in... if you see what I mean. I had witnesseed the water coming over from the other carrage way. So i decided I would head home in plenty of time after a quick trip to the ACE Cafe. Plodding along and before you know it I am thinking that rain looks like snow on my windscreen and then litterally as I pop out from under a bridge..... Whhhhooooommmmmpppppfffffffff It aint arf snowin'

Cars and bikes abandoned on the hard sholder. the lanes were all under snow and I am captain of the starship enterprise at warp speed. Or at least the view out the front is.... All that snow flying at me in the headlights. I looked out the side window and it was like........... well Winter for gods sake. Whats that all about????

Every where was white! my car temp dropped to 70 on the old gauge!

I woke up this morning to poeple trying to scrape their windows with their hands/credit cards or just turning their wipers on and driving off in to the unknown...... they must be strong with the force they must...

Then the M40 is closed 'cos there is a hill with some snow on it and all the lorries have parked up on the hard sholder.......

Come on we must be used to the fact that it gets cold in the uK. In fact - if there is a weather type we usually get it somewhere...

I will leave you with this thought. Fat tyres and lots of Torque mixed with snow makes the wheels spin and you either go nowhere or straight on.... Not sure my car was designed for the SNOW :D

Good fun though....

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lol i actually tried teh credit card on teh window screen this morning and it snapped , dow! ended up 30mins late for work... owell

wasnt that bad here really, did come outa nowhere liek u say, hopefully go just as quick!

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