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Recently my '96 Golf vr has developed a strange problem. It feels as if the clutch is slipping but I asked my local garage to check the clutch out while it was in for some work and they said it was spot on. Yet when driving at normal speeds in 2nd, 3rd and 4th and you put your foot down the revs build up without any acceleration, before the car "catches up" to the engine and then it carries on as normal, only rises by about 500rpm but still its not right. Its only started doing it recently and seems to do it more when the car is run from cold. But if it isn't the clutch what else could it be? Hard problem to explain but if anyone has any experience of this or could shed any light as to what it could possibly be it would be most appreciated, :)


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Im having a similar problem with mine but its the same with the engine hot or cold.

On occasions, if I change up a gear when giving it some stick the engine accelerates but the car doesnt speed up.

One thing I do know is that the clutch doesnt allways return to its correct place and sometimes stays stuck to the floor.

I am assuming this is the reason for my problem, once Ive got the clutch sorted Ill let you know if it has fixed the problem.

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best way would be a visual inspection, but replacing the slave cylinder and or master cylinder may help you, and you dont need take the box off, i've had a couple of slave cylinders go on me already... metal ones were later replaced for a plastic which are more reliable.

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he meant gearbox oil mate not engine oil afaik theres no way engine oil to get into the clutch

it can dude, from a leaking crank seal, but would have to be really bad, Its def clutch related, If your slave cylinder is mullered it normaly stops you from disengaging/ make gearchange hard but i suppose it could get stuck out or might take time to ruturn

imo changing clutch will sort it...

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