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Bit of a dumb question but i am just wondering how hard the coolent pipes are ment to get on the vr6?

I have sniffer tested the car and all is fine and it does not over heat atall, 75-80c normaly then the fans comes in.

It has had the aux pump removed and i was wondering if this would cause the problem?

The pipes are not rock hard just fairly firm if you know what i mean lol,you can still squeze them a bit.

I also read somewhere that the rad cap is rated to 20psi so maybe this is normal?

I have not seen any water come out of the over flow on the bottle so i am wondering if the cap is not opening properly, or i may just be getting parinoid as it has been running fine like this for the last 3000miles.

I am only asking as before i got the car the heater matrix was leeking and the hoses had been joined together and i have recentaly replaced it,but when i removed the old core the tubes on the bottom looked like they had blow open in a big way.

Also when i recently done the chains the bit of head gasket you can see had reins or something like that written on it and was wondering if a standard headgasket has anything written on it that you can see?

Maybe the headgasket went on the old owner and blew the heater like that and i am just worrying over nothing?

The car is an 93 obd1

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Just been out for a run and over filled the header tank a bit to see if my cap is working and it seems it is.

I let it warm up and just before the fans came in maybe about an egg cup full of water came out of the header tank over flow so i do beleave my cap is ok.

I then let it idle for a fair old time and let the fans come in 4-5 more times and no more water came out just maybe a very little bit of steam every now and again,thats if i am seeing right as it is cold out lol.

The hoses are still fairly firm and maybe soften a bit when the fans come in.

Can one of you guys have a feel off you water pipes on your car next time it is up to operating temp after a good run and let me know how hard they feel lol.

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the pipes on mine do get quite hard but i got samcos aslong as they dont get rock hard like not able to move them or squeeze them shoudl be ok ,,,, as for aux water pump u do really need one as it flows the water around the head after the engines turned off which stop the head from warping over time ....

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