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Yet again, more problems...

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Well, several of you have kept track on the number of unlucky things that have happened to me and my beloved VR6 and some have commented on how unlucky I am.

Bits failing all the time and me struggling to maintain it while also supporting my GF and paying for everything in a flat on a part time wage and in full time education....yes, very hard....im on NO benefits.

Martin even asked if I'd done the dirty with a nun.

Imagine the 6 breakdowns and 6 recoveries I've been through in the 6 months of it being on the road.

To have replaced the rad, fogs, lights and windscreen...with nearly all my available funds as my car IS my lifeline...2 days later have an accident that wasn't your fault.....need to replace the front pretty much and another new rad..2 new tyres.

Imagine my suprise this morning then, when 6 miles from home and taking my GF to work, hearing a massssssssive bang and losing drive while hearing a grinding noise.

Pulling over, having abuse shouted from the tailgating driver that's just desecrated his nice new leather seats, opening the bonnet and finding the engine tilted around 30* forward into the RAD, smashed fans, leaking coolant and to see this.....

Both bolting areas had come off on the O/S.....14 spot welds, failed at once.....no rust.....GAH!!!

Needless to say, I'm considering suicide...o/j.....but I'm so mofo upset now.

Damage.....1 x rad, wrecked sump and gasket, wrecked pick up pump, fan assembly, cross sodding member, 1 x auxiliary belt, 2 x pullys....waterpump and 1 ruined 120 amp alternator pully...1 x ruined power steering fluid pipe.


I have managed to replace most of this stuff with 2nd hand shite anyway now......no money left till tuesday though.......does god usually select his victims?

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yeah they are meant to be .... think ur having worse luck than me mate ... feel for ya

also i should have a full set of pullies kicking around all but the alternator one ... got PAS, water pump and crank ... let me know if needed will do you a good deal

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I have no idea why the cross member failed that way. I was doing 50 in a 50 zone in 5th gear and then it happened.

They are supposed to be bolted on. The 2 bolting places on either side are spot welded to the 2 main chassis legs that house the toe eye on either side of the engine. Why they both failed on 1 side is beyond me. It may have something to do with the accident, but I did a thorough spanner check and made sure nothing was loose or structrally damaged.

I've replaced the pullys with second hand rusty ones...cheers though tony, I'll be sure to get in touch if I need them.

Yes martin, I didn't do that, though I may aswell go do it lol.

That depressed last night I went to bed at 6pm and I've only just woke up.

Getting it welded today tho.

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Cheers steve. Had the offending 2 pieces welded back.....YES....SUCCESS!!!!!! and they havn't even fell off yet.

I'm forecasting a fatal accident at some point in the next few days....as seems to be the way things are going.

On another note, I ran over a cat this afternoon and cracked my splitter.

Steve, that siggy makes me laugh everytime i see it.

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i thought i was having a hard time with 2 engine 2 gear box's and numerous other parts in 3 years but i abuse my car everytime i drive it. that much in 6 months fella, did i read right that the cross member mouting points fell off? pardon my language in this thread ladies and gentle men but how the fukin hell did that happen? those welds dont just fail even if it was rusting the welds normally are the only strong bits left in amoungst the rot. im gunna go check mine

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I love cats martin...had to reverse over it though. It was screamin horribly with its guts spread about 2 foot away from its ass....I actually cried when I got home......because I noticed the splitter AND the cus of the cat.

Still, I suppose the better side to this story is that as I'm replacing everything in the space of 6 - 8months.....means I have less to go wrong afterward. :S

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I nearly hit a cat yesterday......swear blind it was half under front of car and ran off. Would of made loads of young school kids scream and cry as well.......after i had of dragged it out from under car.....oh well next time

after I had dragged it out from under the car and tossed it into the group of kids lol (6)

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I nearly done baby thumper when having a play with 3 other cars round my way..... how it got away to eat another carrot for another day, i dont know!! i got an early splitter, lowerer 40mm and went square over it... but no pancake on the return trip..... is that abit sadistic?? lmao! (6)

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You will not believe it, but 1 of the pistons in my MK1 shot out of the engine block while I was at my college today.... VW *cough*shit*cough*, anyway, just so happens a mk2 1.3 CL was in the workshop as a scrapper.....body and paint had the shell.... and I bought the engine for £20 and in the space of 3hrs had another engine inside.....all by meself I might add...bad luck, then good luck...what's going on in my life lol.

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man you defo take the unlucky title from me fella

Hah, I'd be flattered if that was a good thing Tony. Craig, I've never once broken a mirror lol.

Still, the fact that I managed an engine transplant in 3hrs from a newer model is lucky to me...first time....dont nobody tell me MK2 to MK1 is easy....I dare ya..... :@ lol

That people would result in copious amounts of farts in your direction at the next and every other meet for a while. 8o|

Which reminds me....I'd stay a good few meters from me at all times and only ever make contact through radios lol.....so I don't pass the bad luck thing on, you understand...

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Woke up this morning to an open driver side door on the newly purchased MK1 and this has been done....

All the terminals had been bent and the wiring ripped out the steering column. Police informed, we'll send someone out later.....14hrs later, nothing. As you can tell by the pic, removed the steering wheel and column.


Somehow they opened the door, I suppose string or pallet securing strips can do it. Oh and they popped the bonnet and sabotaged my HT leads, ripping them from the spark plug connecters. Looks like they tried doing the movie shite...tapping 2 wires together till the engine turns........already put a push start button into it and hidden so they wouldnt have had luck even with my key.

I have a very good idea that it was a group of lads that I refused to buy ciggerettes for, at the shop down the road and they are all convicted car vandals, thieves.

Luckily, new barrel from a breakers......£6....cheers craig :D

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