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VW ACTION 4-6th September

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I'll be going to this, although it looks like It'll just be the Saturday and Sunday.

So lots of beer on Saturday night - I'll have to get a costume though. i'm thinking this:


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Right pure missions but:

Cables bought - £140

Car booked into Chelmsford Autos for Thurs. - £50

Room at Premier Inn booked - £64

Bit of costume bought - £24

Weekend with you guys and girls and a bit of stripping - Priceless

Now just need to sort rest of costume and some shares in Shell lol and i'll be sorted!

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what you doing at Chelmsford Auto's? and as Helen says is putting up a tent that bad ;) ;)

Getting them to fit my gear select cables so i dont miss 2nd whilst stripping!!

Works out over £100 cheaper to drive down there and get them to fit them for £50 as opposed to VW fitting them for £260!!!

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bloody hell that is a good deal :) :)

Yer man they were mega helpful on the phone as well. Said i could give them only a days notice i was coming down if push came to shove and they would leave any other cars they have in and crack on with mine OR he would get an extra mechanic in just to do my car!!

VW said job would take 3.5hrs at reduced rate of £74/hr!!!

This guy said it'll take 1.6hrs @£35/hr (=£56 for those that cant be a*sed to work it out!) BUT coz i am a fellow dubber he'd do it for £50!!

If the standard of work is as good as their customer service i will be more then singing their praises!

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