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what Braille battery

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I had the 15lb Braille and it was fine. Only has a 3 day window though, left any longer it will struggle to turn the engine over. It's fine for a daily driver.

They are not designed to be left sat in a garage for weeks unused! You need a normal lead acid battery for that ;-)

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They are not designed to be left sat in a garage for weeks unused! You need a normal lead acid battery for that ;-)

true but its a race battery, and i dont race every day.

usually put a solar charger on it but on this one occasion i forgot, gutted as they aint cheap and i have a custom battery holder made for that battery, so guess which one i had to buy again!!

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Race battery means it's made for weight saving and only designed to start the engine so that the alternator can take over when it's running. Unfortunately they don't have the reserve capacity like standard batteries do.

The VAG batteries are very good now. Sealed black units with the green inspection light (like the old AC Delcos) and I've left that sat for 2 weeks and it started the car 1st turn :-)

They're heavy though, 23Kg for the 76 Ah!

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