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The Great Escape ......

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Let me start by saying; the VR6 engine is one tough bugger!

Driving home from work earlier in the rain which Newark on Trent has had most of the day as usual in the summer! Part of my route takes me through one of those "Chocolate Box" villages, thatch roofs and FORD, yes a ford 8-)

Drove through the ford as I do twice a day, then splutter, bang, steam and all that. There I am in the middle of this ford, my baby has died ;(

I knew straight away it was serious. Any way climbed into the back of the car as I did not fancy a foot and a half of water around my ankles. Got my wallet and rang RAC to get towed home. Nice lady from RAC asked if I was still in the ford after I had explained what had happened, to which I replied "yes". Sorry our technicians can't help whilst you are still in the water; great!!

So rang fire brigade as I was more or less in the middle of nowhere. They came, pushed me out and then closed the road. Then rang RAC again and out came their man. Diagnosis, water in the engine .... not good on the face of things, rebuild or new car, it was a very dark moment.

So, out came the plugs, disconnected the air filter, turn over, bump then water, what a sight 6 jets of water!!!!

Plugs back in, fingers crossed ...... bump, gurgle, gurgle, gurgle for about 30 seconds, then ignition and lots of smoke, back from the dead, my baby was alive, I could have kissed the very nice man from the RAC.

Drove the remaining 16 miles, here I am to tell the story.

Viva the VR

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