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Air Filter Location - Smooth VRT

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Evening guys and gals

I'm looking for a bit of advice or pictures of your air filters, I'm having my chassis legs smoothed and repainted so I don't want them to be hidden by a big old air filter, so where are yours and are there any trick places I could hide it? Airbox down by the subframe to protect it fro any water?

Hit me with some ideas guys, thanks


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the red car is a VRT believe it or not, although i think its running a kinetic or C2 stage 1 kit which isnt intercooled and running very low boost



this obv isnt turbod but shows the intake nice and hidden. dunno how much heat it would take in though and obv you'd have a prob with the brake servo and cylinder, pot etc


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you can tuck in to the wing behind the struts. but you will need to vent the wing and nothing will be standard. and I am making assumptions on your fire wall if your gong th whole hog. If you can keep an oval to the cross sectional shapes then you can still get good performance and flow through them.

I know this works on a mk 2 ;)

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I had thought of that I was hoping to keep the scuttle as I don't wanna ditch the heater matrix wipers etc.

Was thinking inside the scuttle at the drivers side and run a narrow cold air feed through the tops of the wings to it.

You got a pic of what you mean on mk2s?

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